SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (2024)

Table of Contents
Introduction to SWTOR 7.0 EndGame What are Heroics What are Flashpoints and Uprisings What are Operations What are Warzones and Arenas What is Conquest Gearing Tracks in SWTOR 7.0 Conquest Gear PvP Gear Flashpoint Gear Operations Gear Legendary Implants replace Set Bonuses EndGame Gearing Vendors on the Fleet PvE Gear Vendors PvP Gear Vendors Kai Zykken Tactical Items Vendor Galactic Command Armor Set Vendor How EndGame Gearing works Shorter and Repeatable Weeklies How Gear Upgrades work in SWTOR 7.0 Gear from Boxes Gear from Boss Drops Manual Upgrades Different Tertiary Stats on the Same Slot of Gear Noble Decurion Distribution Chests vs Other Boxes EndGame Currencies Explained Common Currencies Specialized Currencies Cost to Upgrade EndGame Gear Stats Explained Primary Stats Secondary Stats Tertiary Stats Rating and Rarity of EndGame Gear Higher Item Rating is Better Green vs Blue vs Purple Should I use a lower rating, higher rarity item or a higher rating, lower rarity item? Same Rating and Rarity, Different Track Tips for Manually Upgrading Your EndGame Gear Which Gear Pieces to Buy First Higher Rarity vs Higher Rating Should You Prioritize Mainhand and Offhand Upgrades? How to Utilize Personal Conquest Requisition Hold Onto Some Boxes What is the fastest way to Gear up at level 80 General Gearing Advice Acknowledgments and Thanks SWTOR 7.0 Class Guides List SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List How to choose a second Combat Style in SWTOR 7.0 How to use Loaouts in SWTOR 7.0 Guide SWTOR 7.3 Endgame Gearing Guide How to get Legendary Items in SWTOR 7.0 and Full List SWTOR Galactic Seasons: everything you need to know SWTOR PvP Seasons System Guide: everything you need to know Which mods to buy from Hyde and Zeek in SWTOR SWTOR R-4 Anomaly Operation Guide

SWTOR EndGame Gearing Guide for 7.0 explaining the available new tiers of gear, how to obtain them and what to look for based on your Combat Style!

Please visit the new Complete Guide to Endgame Gearing in SWTOR.
This guide below is no longer being updated. You will find everything you need in the new guide linked above.

Important note!

With 7.1, if you do not plan to do R-4 Anomaly Operation, your new goal for gearing is to unlock access to purchase 328 and 330 mods for credits from Hyde and Zeek, which requires you to deconstruct 4 specific pieces of 328 and 330 blue and purple gear.

You can read the new stand-alone SWTOR 7.1 EndGame Gearing Guide. It picks up where this one ends. The 7.0 guide is more beginner-friendly, while the 7.1 guide assumes you are familiar with the gearing system and everything explained in this guide and builds upon it with the new gear tiers and sources from where you can get new gear.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction to SWTOR 7.0 EndGame
  • Gearing Tracks in SWTOR 7.0
  • Legendary Implants replace Set Bonuses
  • EndGame Gearing Vendors on the Fleet
  • How EndGame Gearing works
  • How Gear Upgrades work in SWTOR 7.0
  • EndGame Currencies Explained
  • EndGame Gear Stats Explained
  • Rating and Rarity of EndGame Gear
  • Tips for Manually Upgrading Your EndGame Gear
  • What is the fastest way to Gear up at level 80
  • General Gearing Advice

Please note that each main section of this guide, listed in the Table of Contents above, contains several sub-sections. I highly recommend you to take your time and read carefully everything to learn all you should know about the EndGame Gearing process in Legacy of the Sith.

Introduction to SWTOR 7.0 EndGame

You have finished your leveling and your character is at level 80 now. From this point on you begin the grind through the EndGame. Your goal is to obtain the best possible gear for your needs.

The best gear for your character is not necessary the top gear available, but in this guide, I will cover all the bases, just so you know what you can aim for and I will leave it up to you to decide where to stop.

All gear that you obtain during the EndGame grind is bound to your whole Legacy.

To properly participate in the EndGame you may consider subscribing to SWTOR. A Subscription is technically not required, but the limitations and penalties of playing as Preferred status player may be overwhelming to some of you, especially if you have no experience with other F2P MMO games.

Usually, when EndGame is concerned, we are talking about the group content you can play through and repeat over and over. There are some options to grind for your gear solo like doing Heroics alone, farming Story Chapters, doing Daily Missions.

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (1)

On the image above you see the Group Tab of the Activities Window. Check out the SWTOR User Interface Guide to learn more about this tool.

What are Heroics

Heroics are group content that is available in the open world. You can solo most of them if that’s how you prefer to play. That’s why they are available in the Solo tab of the Activities Window, under the Planetary category.

What are Flashpoints and Uprisings

Flashpoints and Uprisings are 4-person groups instanced challenges that take anywhere between 15-20 minutes up to an hour or so. There is a great chance you have participated in some while leveling up. At the moment, Uprisings are the only content that is not yet scaled up to level 80 since the release of Legacy of the Sith expansion.

Check out the Flashpoints Guides and Uprisings Guides lists for some tips on how to defeat the more challenging boss encounters and complete the instances quicker and easier for improved productivity.

What are Operations

Operations are the true EndGame of SWTOR’s PvE. They are 8 or 16-person instanced raid-type of content. There is nothing more challenging than an Operation in PvE, especially on high difficulty.

Unlike Flashpoints, Operations have boss lockouts that prevent you from beating the same boss multiple times on the same toon in a given period of time. In Story Mode (SM), lockouts only last until the daily reset, but Veteran Mode (VM/HM) and Master Mode (MM/NiM) your character will be locked out for the remainder of the week until the lockouts reset on Tuesdays.

What are Warzones and Arenas

PvP in SWTOR is available from a very low level, but the experience is quite different from what is available at max level, even though the maps are the same, because everyone has access to all of their abilities and discipline passives. Warzones are 8v8 games where you have a specific objective you need to complete and follow through to win. Arenas are 4v4 team deathmatch combat zones where the last team standing wins.

What is Conquest

The Conquest system is a way for you to earn additional resources and gear while you play the content you want to. BioWare has done so many revisions of the Conquest system over the years since its first release, I can’t even count them anymore.

Gearing Tracks in SWTOR 7.0

Gear is now broken into 4 tracks based on the type of endgame content: Operations, PvP, Flashpoints, and Conquest. Items of the same rating and rarity are identical when it comes to stats across different tracks, except for PvP DPS gear which is a little different when it comes to Accuracy.

Conquest Gear

Noble DecurionGreen320-330

PvP Gear


Flashpoint Gear

Elite DecurionVMGreen320-330
Supreme DecurionMMBlue320-330

Operations Gear


Here is a great infographic image, designed by Elssha, to better illustrate the relations and connections between the different tracks of EndGame Gear in 7.1:

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (2)

Unlike PvE, PvP gear only has 1 tier of gear called Thyrsian and rarity is linked to item rating rather than content difficulty where each rarity is found on 2 item ratings. If you don’t plan on doing NiM raids, PvP is your only way to get purple gear. Unlike in some previous expansions, PvP gear is basically equivalent to PvE gear (assuming equal item ratings and rarities), though it is a longer grind since it starts at 316 gear and you have far fewer options to accelerate the process.

Legendary Implants replace Set Bonuses

Set bonuses are no more! They have been replaced by Legendary Implants, which are basically just old set bonus effects but on your implants instead. This offers several benefits:

  • Faster Gearing – You’ll only need 2 pieces of gear to get the full effect of a full set bonus as opposed to 6.
  • Greater Customization – Since the 4 and 6 piece bonuses are decoupled, you will be able to mix and match them. There will clearly still be optimal builds.
  • More Inventory Space – Some disciplines even in the same role require completely different set bonuses. This took up a lot of space in inventory. With Legendary Implants, you’ll only need to keep 2 pieces of gear for each discipline as opposed to 6.
  • Slightly Simpler Gearing – By making it so you get a full benefit from a single piece of gear, it’s a bit easier for new players to understand.

In order to gain access to the Legendary Implants Vendor on a given toon, you have to complete a one-time mission. The mission is quite unique, rather than having a specified objective, you just have to complete various content which charges a key.

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (3)

Once the key is fully charged, the mission is complete. Different types of content and different difficulty levels offer greater amounts of charge, allowing you to complete the mission faster. The harder the content, the faster you’ll charge the key.

If you want to learn more, read the How to get Legendary Items in SWTOR 7.0. There you will find also a complete list of all currently available Legendary Implants for all Combat Styles (advanced classes) with their detailed descriptions.

EndGame Gearing Vendors on the Fleet

Gearing vendors work differently now. They primarily only sell upgrades for your existing equipment where you exchange that piece of gear and a bunch of currencies for an upgrade rather than sell gear outright. There are a couple of exceptions, you can purchase 320 Conquest gear, 316 PvP gear, and 326 Legendary Implants. You won’t be purchasing very much gear directly; you’ll be getting most of it from weeklies and bosses and then upgrading some of it with the vendors.

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (4)

PvE Gear Vendors

Gearing vendors for PvE are located in the same alcoves as they were in 6.0 at the end of the outer ring in the Supplies section. There are separate vendors for upgrading gear from each type of content: Flashpoints, Conquest, and Operations as well as a 4th vendor for purchasing 320 Noble Decurion gear. This is also where you will find the blue Twi’lek (and eventually droid) where you can purchase Legendary Implants.

With SWTOR 7.1 BioWare added two vendors on the Fleet that offer you item modifications of higher tiers. Check out the dedicated guide to learn which mods to buy from Hyde and Zeek.

PvP Gear Vendors

Gearing vendors for PvP are located in the Combat section of the Fleet in the same alcove as Ranked PvP rewards, to the left of the Giradda the Hutt hologram. There are 2 vendors, 1 that sells the 316 Thyrsian gear and another that sells the upgrades.

Kai Zykken

Our favorite Merchant of Mystery now sells a rotating selection of tactical items at a discounted price. He also sells an Unidentified Unique Item box that can contain a piece of old set bonus gear from 6.0, including sets previously exclusive to MM Dxun. These pieces don’t offer any sort of combat advantage, their purpose is now only cosmetic. If you obtain the entire set, you’ll earn a title.

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (5)

There is some RNG protection with the Unidentified Unique Item box. You will not receive duplicates of items that are in your inventory or equipped to you and you can only receive items that would have been relevant to your active discipline (or loot discipline).

Tactical Items Vendor

In Kai Zykken’s alcove, there is a new vendor that now sells all tactical items. By default, you are only shown items usable by your active discipline, though you can change the dropdown if you wish to see other disciplines or all tactical items. They cost Tech Fragments and credits. Tactical items cannot be upgraded like other gear.

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (6)

Galactic Command Armor Set Vendor

The cosmetic armor sets that came from Galactic Command boxes (the 5.0 precursor to Renown) are finally available. The vendor is located in Kai Zykken’s alcove and the pieces cost Tech Fragments and credits.

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (7)

How EndGame Gearing works

Gearing is now structured around completing weeklies, which give various currencies depending on the type of content, and boxes that have a piece of gear in them.

The boxes always contain an upgrade for the piece of equipped gear that has the lowest item rating. The rarity of the item is typically determined by the difficulty of the content. For example, if your lowest rating piece of gear is green 322 boots, if you finish a weekly for an HM Operation, you’ll get a box that has 324 blue Columi boots from the weekly.

Shorter and Repeatable Weeklies

Almost all weeklies are now shorter and repeatable up to 3 times in a single week on each toon, but progress towards each weekly resets every Tuesday when everything resets.

The only exception to weeklies not being repeatable in the same week is with VM and MM Operations, which is just a limitation of the lockout system, though there is now a separate weekly for each difficulty.

How Gear Upgrades work in SWTOR 7.0

You can get gear upgrades from boxes, boss drops, or by manually upgrading the gear at the appropriate vendor. Rarity is determined by content difficulty.

Gear from Boxes

Boxes exclusively come from completing weeklies. The piece of gear in the box is always a rating upgrade for the item you have equipped with the lowest item rating.

Gear from Boss Drops

Every boss drops a piece of gear for every player in the group. These pieces of gear will be equal to or better than what you currently have equipped, so make sure to immediately equip what you get if it’s better than what you currently have so you can get better future drops.

Manual Upgrades

Manual upgrades are limited to the max rating of that rarity and you cannot upgrade a given piece of gear to a different rarity or track. For example, you can only upgrade Tionese to higher rating Tionese gear. You cannot upgrade Tionese to Columi or Supreme Decurion. If you want access to higher rarity gear, you have to do content that rewards higher rarity gear.

Different Tertiary Stats on the Same Slot of Gear

In order to still provide the opportunity for players to customize their tertiary stats, the same slot of gear will have a different tertiary stat for different Combat Styles and roles. For example, the chest piece for the DPS specs of one Combat Style might give accuracy at its tertiary stat while another Combat Style gives alacrity on its DPS chest instead. Elssha has created a great image showcasing the different possible stat distributions:

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (8)

For DPS, we can see that each Combat Style always gets 2 accuracy pieces, 2 alacrity, and 1 critical piece, but where each tertiary stat is will differ for each Base Class-Advanced class pair. Since tanks and healers each only have to worry about 2 tertiary stats, they get 3 of 1 stat and 2 of the other. For tanks, the 2 stats are shield and absorb and for healers, the 2 stats are critical and alacrity.

Noble Decurion Distribution Chests vs Other Boxes

Noble Decurion Distribution Chests are a special type of box that is given by Heroic and Daily Area weeklies. They contain a piece of green gear with an equal rating to your equipped gear. Their purpose is to help with distributing gear to your alts, particularly for solo players.

EndGame Currencies Explained

Currencies are broken down into 2 categories: Generic and Specific. Specific currencies can only be obtained from weeklies from a single type of content and are only required to upgrade gear from that track. Generic currencies are required to upgrade all gear.

Common Currencies

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (9) Conquest Commendation
Earned primarily through completing Conquest, but smaller amounts are also awarded through Groupfinder, PvP, and GSF.

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (10) Daily Resource Matrix
Earned primarily through Daily and Heroic Area Weeklies, but smaller amounts are also awarded through Uprisings, PvP, and World Bosses

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (11) Tech Fragments
Earned from everything. Tech Fragments are only required for Legendary Implants, Tacticals, and cosmetics, but you need a lot of them to buy and upgrade Legendary Implants.

Specialized Currencies

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (12) OP-1 Catalysts
Required to upgrade the rating of Operations gear (Tionese, Columi, Rakata). Can only be obtained from Operation weeklies. Higher difficulties reward more HMCs.

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (13) FP-1 Stabilizer
Required to upgrade the rating of Flashpoint gear (Elite and Supreme Decurion). Can only be obtained from Flashpoint weeklies. Higher difficulties reward more.

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (14) WZ-1 Accelerant
Required to upgrade the rating and rarity of PvP gear (Thyrsian). Can only be obtained from PvP and GSF weeklies.

Cost to Upgrade

There is a general pattern for what each type of upgrade will cost. Every single upgrade will cost some amount of Conquest Commendation, Daily Resource Matrices, a single type of Specialized Currency (or Tech Fragments), the existing piece of gear, and credits. If you’re augmenting gear while still upgrading, don’t forget to remove the augment before you turn in the piece of gear!

EndGame Gear Stats Explained

Primary Stats

Determines how much health you have. Tanks typically prefer Endurance to Defense chance. DPS and healers get enough of it from the minimum amounts provided by purple gear.

Directly affects how much damage and healing you deal by increasing your bonus damage and bonus healing. Also slightly increases your critical chance, but not critical multiplier.

Secondary Stats

Directly affects how much damage and healing you deal by increasing your bonus damage and bonus healing. The increase to bonus damage and healing is slightly stronger than mastery, but there is no increase to critical chance. Tanks have to sacrifice shield or absorb rating to access this stat. The lack of this stat on tank gear is a big part of why tanks deal less damage than DPS.

Defense Rating
Increases your defense chance, which is your chance to dodge melee / ranged attacks (white damage). Only tanks should have this stat and they get enough of it even from gear that offers a minimal amount of it.

Tertiary Stats

Increases the chance that an attack will hit the target. Any percentage of accuracy over 100% reduces the target’s chance to dodge by an equal amount. Bosses (and Champion mobs) have a 10% defense / resist chance, so 110% accuracy is required to guarantee that all attacks hit. Tanks get 110% accuracy from their disciplines. DPS is the only role that has to take this stat. Healers do not need it unless they do a lot of off-DPS. In PvP, most Combat Styles have 5% defense chance, so most disciplines only need 5% accuracy. Boss defense / resist chance applies to all attack types (melee / ranged and force/tech) while player defense chance only applies to melee / ranged damage. Since none of your other stats matter if an attack misses, reaching the desired Accuracy threshold has the highest priority for DPS.

Increases the speed at which you can execute your rotation. Affects all relevant game mechanics including activation time, global cooldown (GCD) duration, base resource regeneration rate, DoT duration, and some cooldown durations. It doesn’t usually affect cooldown duration that purely affects mobility or survivability. It also doesn’t affect buffs or debuffs (besides DoTs). When it comes to the length of the GCD, alacrity is rounded to the nearest tenth of a second, so it is best to only have enough Alacrity to where the GCD will round down because you won’t be getting as much benefit from the stat until you reach the next threshold. Since you do need to reach a threshold to get maximum benefit from this stat, but it isn’t as consequential as Accuracy, this stat usually has the second priority.

Critical Rating
Increases your critical chance and critical multiplier. Critical Chance is the chance that your attack/heal will critically hit. Critical multiplier is the amount of extra damage/healing that your attack will deal when it critically hits. Since there is no threshold associated with Critical Rating, it typically has the lowest priority when gearing, though it is still valuable.

Shield Rating
Increases the chance for your personal shield generator to trigger and mitigate damage from an incoming attack.

Absorb Rating
Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your personal shield generator if it triggers. Since Absorb Rating does nothing if your personal shield generator doesn’t trigger, this stat usually isn’t prioritized as highly as Shield Rating for tanks, though diminishing returns and how much of a boost to each shield stat is provided by your discipline also plays a significant factor.

Rating and Rarity of EndGame Gear

Higher Item Rating is Better

The item rating determines the total amount of stat provided by the item (AKA stat pool). The higher the item rating, the greater the stat pool. All Gear Boxes except for those given by Heroic Missions and Dailies will give you an upgrade to the piece of gear with the lowest item rating.

Green vs Blue vs Purple

Item rarities determine how good the stat distributions are. For DPS and healers, green gear has the highest Endurance but least Power while purple gear has the highest Power but least Endurance. Blue gear represents a transition between the two, offering more Power and less Endurance than green gear, but not as much Power or as little Endurance as purple gear. DPS and healers favor Power over Endurance, so purple gear offers the best stat balance.

Tanks have defense rating on their gear instead of power, but defense rating usually isn’t as valuable as endurance, so the transition is inverted where green tank gear has the highest defense chance and lowest endurance while purple tank gear has the highest endurance and lowest defense chance. Blue tank gear still represents a transition between the two stats.

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (15)

Should I use a lower rating, higher rarity item or a higher rating, lower rarity item?

Higher rarity offers vastly superior stat distributions compared to higher ratings. Your DPS / HPS / DTPS will be better if you have a higher rarity item, even if it has a lower item rating.

Comparing a Blue 320 piece to Green 322 piece for DPS and healers, you give up 217 Endurance with the Blue 320, but gain 144 Power, 35 Mastery, and 14 Tertiary Stat (193 total). This means you will pull significantly better numbers with lower rating, higher rarity items, though it’s unclear when the larger stat pool from greater rating disparities will be enough to compensate for the worse distribution like Blue 320 vs Green 324 or Green 326.

The best way to avoid this conundrum is by making sure that you continue to do the hardest content you’re capable of and manually upgrade your higher rarity pieces before doing easier content so you’re not getting lower rarity rating upgrades to replace your higher rarity items.

Same Rating and Rarity, Different Track

Let’s say you have 2 pieces of gear that have the same rating and rarity but come from different tracks, like if you have a 322 Columi Glove and you get a 322 Supreme Decurion Glove. Which should you keep? I recommend holding onto the one that comes from the track that you do more frequently. For example, if you’re a raider, you should hold onto those Columi Gloves; if you primarily do FPs, you should hold onto the Supreme Decurion Glove.

The rationale is that you want to hold onto the piece that you’ll have an easier time upgrading, and you’ll have an easier time upgrading the piece of gear that comes from content you do more often because you get more of that specialized currency. For example, if you do more Operations, you’re gonna get more OP-1 Catalysts, so you’ll have an easier time upgrading Columi gear than you will Supreme Decurion because you will primarily be doing content that only gives the Catalysts.

Tips for Manually Upgrading Your EndGame Gear

Which Gear Pieces to Buy First

Having access to Legendary Implants and Tactical Items increases your effectiveness in combat far more than individual stat upgrades from single pieces of gear.

Legendary Implants cost 6500 Tech Fragments, 100 Conquest Commendation, and 20 Daily Resource Matrices. Make sure you have enough Medals and ARMs by the time you get 6500 Tech Frags so you can immediately buy a new Legendary Implant.

Higher Rarity vs Higher Rating

Since the rarity of a box is determined by its source, not by the rarity of your lowest rating equipped item, you can run into a difficult situation where you have to choose between a higher rarity item and a higher rating item.

You want to equip the higher rating item because you want to get better upgrades in the future but you want to equip the higher rarity item because you want to perform better in combat.

You can prevent this by making sure that your highest rarity items are never your lowest rating items by manually upgrading those pieces. Basically, this means never manually upgrade green gear (does not apply to exclusively solo players). That said, upgrades are expensive, so you also need to make sure you’re often doing the hardest content you’re capable of or it will be harder to make progress.

Upgrading Legendary Implants isn’t a concern until you start getting 326 gear. You want your Legendary Implant rating to be higher than the rating of the rest of your gear so that you aren’t getting implants from boxes that you can’t use.

Should You Prioritize Mainhand and Offhand Upgrades?

Attacks that deal weapon damage scale more heavily off of your Mainhand and Offhand, so you will get more of a DPS increase off of upgrading those pieces as opposed to a random piece of armor. This doesn’t matter as much for healers or DPS specs that primarily deal Force / Tech damage, like Sorcerer / Sage and Powertech / Vanguard (especially Pyrotech / Plasmatech).

How to Utilize Personal Conquest Requisition

The Medals you get from Conquest seem like they will be a major limiting factor early on for everyone. You only need to be level 76 to begin receiving Conquest Commendation from completing Conquest. If you have Personal Conquest Requisitions from login rewards saved up, I recommend leveling your toons to 76 and then consuming one of those. This doesn’t matter as much if you plan to fully level a toon that week or otherwise complete Conquest after hitting 76.

Hold Onto Some Boxes

Upgrade costs get progressively more expensive with each rating tier. For example, upgrading a pair of gloves from 322 to 324 will cost more than it would to upgrade that same pair of gloves from 320 to 322. Since boxes are guaranteed to provide an upgrade to your lowest-rated piece of gear, it is more efficient to save up your blue boxes until you’re full 328 so that you can open them and immediately get a full set of 330 blue, which is the max tier for most players. Even for NiM raiders, it will allow you to immediately start getting 330 purples from NiM raids.

You can and should also save up Thyrsian boxes from the Unranked PVP and GSF weeklies because those will give you 328 purples!

You don’t necessarily need to save up an infinite amount of boxes. There are only 12 slots that you’ll need to upgrade from 328 to 330, though you might want to save more than 12 to make sure you get the Earpiece and Relics you need because the boxes only guarantee a rating upgrade. You don’t have to worry about stat variation on your armor pieces and weapons because they are locked to a specific stat for each discipline.

You might also want to save up more than 12 boxes if you want to adjust your tertiary stats beyond what is given to your discipline, like if you’re a DPS and want an additional piece with accuracy from another Combat Style.

Once you have enough boxes to reach full 330 blue on your first toon, I think it might be better to start using them so you get to 328 faster since you’ll get so much gear from boss drops that will counteract the reduced number of auto upgrades. If I get a box on an alt, I’d probably consume it immediately too since they’re bound to the toon, not to your legacy.

What is the fastest way to Gear up at level 80

I don’t think it is possible to significantly accelerate the gearing process like you could in past expansions by farming specific content like Hammer Station and TC over and over and over (and over) again.

Thanks to the rotating selections, it’s impossible to effectively farm the same piece of content week after week (at least with maximum efficiency), though you can still prioritize faster and easier missions when available by completing them multiple times and then taking it slower when most weeklies are more challenging or time-consuming. It seems that BioWare really wants you to do the hardest difficulty you are capable of for the type of content you prefer.

That being said, there are a few things you can do to make the gearing process more efficient.

Here is your 12-step program for EndGame Gearing:

  1. Reach Conquest after being at least level 76 and get 200 SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (16)Conquest Commendation.
  2. Buy a full set of green 320 gear from the Conquest Gear vendor on the Fleet.
  3. Purchase your Legendary Implants.
  4. Focus on completing weeklies for MM FPs, HM Operations, GSF, and Unranked PvP.
  5. Save the boxes from those weeklies (you can still open non-Thyrsian green boxes).
  6. Equip pieces of gear that are of the highest rating and rarity, deconstruct everything else.
  7. Spend currencies to manually upgrade the gear you get to 324. Don’t manually upgrade any pieces past 324.
  8. Do the weeklies for Heroics, Daily Areas, World Boss (Priority Targets) to earn SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (17)Daily Resource Matrices as needed to upgrade gear. Specialized Currencies should be your limiting factor, not Common Currencies.
  9. Once you have full 328 gear + 330 implants equipped, open your Thyrsian and blue boxes one at a time. Equip the upgrades for armor and weapons, do not equip accessories (left side stuff) unless they are the one you want.
  10. Upgrade your Legendary Implants to at least 330 so you don’t get non-Legendary Implants out of future boxes.
  11. If you don’t plan to do MM Operations, you can continue doing PvP and GSF weeklies to get a full set of purple 328 for that toon. If you plan to do MM Ops, you can still do PvP, but it’s less important since you get purple gear from MM Ops.
  12. You did it! You’re done! Now you can augment your gear and focus on min-maxing. Send your future 330 pieces to your alts. You don’t have to worry about going through most of this upgrade process again until they release new tiers of gear.

The gearing process is likely going to evolve as players figure out new tricks. If you think I missed something in my 12-step program for gearing to 330, please tell me in the comments.

General Gearing Advice

A bunch of class guides have been published with many more on the way, but it will take time to publish them all. You can check out the list of currently available guides here: 7.0 Class Guides List. If your guide isn’t published yet, here is some general gearing advice:


  1. Accuracy to 110%
  2. Alacrity to 7.15%
  3. Rest into Critical

Note: Lightning / Telekinetics, Arsenal / Gunnery, and Carnage / Combat don’t need as much to reach the threshold because they get some from their discipline.Use Relics of Serendipitous Assault and Focused Retribution and Advanced Kyrprax Attack Adrenal. Swap out Serendipitous Assault for Devastating Vengeance if your discipline offers a global boost to critical damage dealt.


  1. Accuracy to 105%
  2. Alacrity to 7.15%
  3. Rest into Critical

Note: If you deal mostly Force / Tech damage like Powertech / Vanguard or Sorcerer / Sage, you don’t need any Accuracy gear.

Use Relics of Serendipitous Assault and Focused Retribution. Some players also like to use the Relic of Boundless Ages in PvP instead of Serendipitous Assault for more concentrated and controlled burst.


  1. Alacrity to 7.15%
  2. Rest into Critical

Use Relics of Serendipitous Assault and Focused Retribution and Advanced Kyrprax Triage Adrenal.


  1. Shield Chance to 50%
  2. Rest into Absorb

Use Relics of Avoidance and/or Shield Matrix and Advanced Kyrprax Shield Adrenal

Remember this is generic gearing advice. It is not meant to replace what you read in a class guide. It will not be 100% optimal for every single discipline.

Acknowledgments and Thanks

I would like to thank Elssha for allowing me to use her infographics to better illustrate some of the various elements explained in this Guide to Endgame Gearing in SWTOR 7.0. You can find Elssha and her content on twitch, twitter and reddit.

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (18)

SWTOR 7.0 Class Guides List

Complete list of all SWTOR 7.0 Class Guides for PvE and PvP for the Legacy of the Sith Expansion, ordered by Combat Style and Discipline! Everything you need to know about each Class!

SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (19)

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SWTOR 7.0 EndGame Gearing Guide for level 80 (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.