SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (2024)

Gearing up at level 80 in Star Wars: The Old Republic is entirely focused about what type of content you want to run – and what type of content you are skilled enough to run. In this guide we’ll be going over what types of content you can do to get level 80 gear, what gearing paths exist, and some general tips about how the system works.


  • Update 7.4
  • What’s the Best Gear?
  • Basic Level 80 Gearing Guide
  • Hardcore Gearing Tip
  • Legendary Implants
  • Conquest (Solo)
    • 324 Green Conquest Gear
    • 324-336 Green Conquest Gear
    • 336 Solo Blue Gear
    • Deconstructing Gear
  • Flashpoints
    • Veteran Flashpoints
    • Master Mode Flashpoints
  • Operations
    • Story Mode Operations
    • Veteran Mode Operations
    • Master Mode Operations
    • Story Mode R-4 Anomaly
    • Veteran Mode R-4 Anomaly
  • PvP
  • Currencies
    • Conquest Commendations
    • FP-1 Stabilizers
    • OP-1 Catalyst
    • WZ-1 Accelerants
    • Tech Fragments
    • Daily Resource Matrix (Removed)
  • Augments
  • Tacticals

Update 7.4

7.4 made it easier than ever to get the best gear in the game. 7.4 Gearing Guide

7.4 Changes:

  • Hyde and Zeek to 340
  • Rakata gear to 344
  • Rakata gear, the best gear, obtainable even outside operations
  • More currency conversions

IMPORTANT NOTE! The below guide is not fully up to date for 7.4. It has a lot of information about how things work, but not the “best” way to get to 34-/344.

What’s the Best Gear?

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (1)

The main thing to know about the level 80 gearing system is that the best gear in the game is locked behind the hardest types of content in the game – so rather than shooting for the best gear in the entire game, you should be aiming to get the best type of gear you can get with how you like to play. For example, if you don’t plan to run or are not skilled enough to run the hardest group content in the game, you won’t be able to earn the best gear in the game… but you also don’t need it, so you shouldn’t be worrying about trying to earn it.

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (2) SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (3) SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (4) SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (5)

The gear is split up in two different ways – by item-rating, and by color quality – if you have two items that are the same item-rating number, but one is green and one is blue, the blue item will have a better distribution of its stats, which makes it the better item to equip. For example, if you have a green piece of damage gear and a purple piece of damage gear with the same item-rating – the green item will put more of its stats into endurance, but since you are a damage player you want to hit harder, not have more health.

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (6)

The gearing system starts at around item-rating 324, and has a max of item-rating 340. If you are a pure solo player, who does not plan on playing any group Flashpoints, Operations or PvP, the best gear you can get is green with a 336 item-rating, through the Conquest path. With a little cleverness, you can even get to 336 blues and 334 Gold Implants, which is the same as what you can get if you play Flashpoints. If you’re gunning for purple gear, you’ll need to run Operations, in any mode. If you want to get into the 338-340 range, you will need to be highly skilled and play the new R-4 Anomaly Operation in its hardest mode. Lastly, if you are playing PvP or Galactic Starfighter, you can make your way up to 332 purple gear.

(Chart below is the same for 7.3!)

With that said, especially in the earlier item-ratings, you can use the easier tracks to help you gear up through the harder tracks, as all the group activity track gear boxes will give you upgrades based on your currently equipped gear. So you could go pick up a set of 324 conquest gear fairly easily, and that will help you skip the first tier of the Flashpoint track, Operations track, or PvP track, as you are working up towards the higher tiers of gear specifically from those tracks that has a better item-rating and color quality. However, to upgrade gear directly, you will need gear and currency from that specific path – you can’t directly upgrade gear from one path at another’s vendor. What exact path you want to follow is up to you, as it depends 0n what type of content you like to play, and whether you like to play multiple types of content or just one type.

Basic Level 80 Gearing Guide

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (8)

  1. As soon as you hit level 80, immediately pick up the Legendary Implants quest and work on completing it
  2. At level 80, complete personal Conquest and earn 200 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (9) Conquest Commendations
  3. Use your SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (10) Conquest Commendations to buy a full set of basic green 324 Conquest gear, no matter what gearing path you want to take
  4. Earn 3,000 Tech Fragments and 1 million credits to purchase your first recommended Tactical
  5. Earn 6,500 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (12) Tech Fragments, 100 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (13) Medals of Commendation, and 25,000 Credits to get your first recommended Legendary Implant
  6. Earn another 6,500 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (14) Tech Fragments, 100 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (15) Medals of Commendation, and 25,000 Credits to get your second recommended Legendary Implant
  7. Continue earning SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (16) Tech Fragments to upgrade your Legendary Implants over time
  8. Work on unlocking the and get yourself a set of gear there, no matter if you are playing solo, Operations or PvP
  9. Most boxes from the weeklies of all types give a guaranteed upgrade based on your lowest item-rating slot

Hardcore Gearing Tip

As of update 7.2, more players than ever have access to high-end gear. If you play an operations, even story mode operations, you can work your way towards some of the best gear in the game.

336 Gear

  • Both casual players and players gearing up for the hardest content in the game will first want to unlock the . Casual players will work on unlocking the 336 blue mods, but hardcore players will want to unlock a the 336 purple enhancements as well, and those two unlocks combined will allow you to create gear that’s the equivalent of the purple gear you can get from Master Mode operations. So hardcore players will want to work on acquiring a single 336 purple piece and a single 336 blue piece to destroy to unlock the Hyde & Zeek modifications.
  • UPDATE 7.2 & 7.3: You can now also directly purchase a piece of purple gear with currency earned through story mode operations! The cheapest piece only cost SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (17) 20 OP-1 Catalysts from the Operation Gear Vendor in the Supplies section of the fleet, and then you can upgrade it from there. This is a great option for players who don’t have any purple pieces from harder content, but are able to play story mode operations.
  • Purple gear can come from Master Mode Operation bosses, or as a “lucky” drop from Veteran Mode Operations. You can “force” a purple piece to drop in a Veteran Operation by wearing a low-level earpiece (example a level 75 earpiece from the vendor on Ossus) instead of a level 80 one while in the operation. The bosses in Master Mode operations drop a piece of gear “equal” to what you currently have (not better). The minimum they will drop is a piece 324 purple Rakata gear. If every piece you had one was say 328, the bosses would drop a 328 piece for you. A fast way players have found to pick up pieces of that purple Rakata gear is from running the first boss of Master Mode Dread Fortress, Nefra. These runs are less common in 7.2, but players are still running them occasionally.
  • Once you manage to get a purple piece, through any method, you can work on upgrading it from 324 all the way up to 336 paying currency you get from operations and deconstructing leftover operation gear to get SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (18) OP-1 Catalyst.
  • If you manage to get Hyde & Zeek’s mods unlocked, you’ll have a pretty great set of 336 gear, and will just have to work on getting your 334 Legendary Implants, and a 336 earpiece, and two 336 relics.

340 Gear & Veteran Mode R-4 Anomaly

  • The 7.1 update introduced a new operation called R-4 Anomaly, which is where you get the new “best gear in the game”. It is quite hard though so casual players should avoid R4 until they are fully prepared.
  • The story mode drops nothing of interest. The Veteran mode drops the best gear in the game. Each boss drops two purple 340 tokens randomly, and each boss has specific slots it drops (head, legs, etc.) In addition, each boss will drop a blue token for each player in the group, which can be used to buy 332 blue gear, which can be upgraded over time to 340 blue gear, which I assume you are meant to use until you can get lucky and get your 340 purple item for that slot.
  • Implants are the only exception, you will want to work on 334 Legendary Implants just like all other players.

Legendary Implants

All players, as soon as they hit level 80, will want to pick up the Legendary Implants quest!

Legendary Implants

Conquest (Solo)

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (19)

If you are a solo player, and you do not want to play with others at all, you will only have the Conquest gearing path available to you when it comes to gearing up your characters at level 80. For players who are seeking to gear up for group content, gearing up to the final phase of the Conquest gearing path can also give you a leg up on the other gearing paths like PvP or Master Mode Flashpoints or harder Operation modes.

324 Green Conquest Gear

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (20)

The first set of gear you can buy from the Conquest vendor is green item-rating 324 gear. To get a full starter set of Conquest gear, you’ll need exactly 200 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (21) Conquest Commendations and a little over 250,000 credits.

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (22) Conquest Commendations are a type of currency which can be earned through a variety of ways, but the main way is by completing Conquest each week. When you complete Conquest by completing activities of your choice listed in the Objectives area of the Conquest panel, then you’ll get 200 of the SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (23) Conquest Commendations currency as a reward for earning 100,000 conquest points on your character. You can do this on up to five characters a week, for a total of 1,000 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (24) Conquest Commendations per week, so getting this currency is pretty easy. You can see how many SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (25) Conquest Commendations you have by clicking the Currency tab at the top of your inventory.

324-336 Green Conquest Gear

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (26)

After you get your first set of Conquest gear, you can upgrade it piece-by-piece at the Conquest gear Upgrades vendor. Upgrading beyond 324 green conquest gear is a lot more expensive that purchase your first set, as each upgrade will cost you the original gear piece, 15-25 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (27) Conquest Commendations, and even more credits.

Once you’ve reach 336 Green Conquest gear, if you don’t plan on doing group content, or using the blue trick below, you’ve reached the end of the track until the next update to gear in the game!

336 Solo Blue Gear

Adventurous solo players may want to try out an alternate route, which involves tackling some group content solo, to unlock some of the best gear in the game over time. Level 80 Solo Gearing Guide

Level 80 Solo Gearing in SWTOR 7.3

Deconstructing Gear

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (28)

As a solo player, you might wind up with extra gear you don’t need as you play, especially if you are running Heroics or Dailies. Once you’ve figured out which pieces you want to upgrade all the way up to 336, and which pieces you want to save or not save for your other characters, the rest of the gear is considered leftovers and you can deconstruct it to get more currencies. To deconstruct something, have it in your inventory, then click the “broken lightsaber” in on the top left of your inventory, then right-click the item you want to deconstruct. After deconstructing, make sure to click the Collect Materials button. Each type of gear will give you a different reward for deconstructing it – some of the rewards will be currency in your Currency tab, some will be Materials that go in your Materials tab, and occasionally you might get items that wind up in your inventory.

Deconstructing solo gear yields…

  • Green Decurion Gear from the Story = SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (29) 3-6 Tech Frags, 3 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (30) Conquest Commendations
  • Green Noble Decurion from Conquest = SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (31) 3-6 Tech Frags, 3 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (32) Conquest Commendations

If you had extra SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (33) Conquest Commendations and had credits to spare, you can trade them into the Conquest Gear Vendor!

  • Trade 500 Conquest Commendations for 200 FP-1 Stabilizers (useful if you are doing the “336 Solo Blue Gear” trick)
  • Trade 200 Conquest Commendations for 200 Tech Fragments (good for credits)

Do not sell your green gear to vendors to earn credits. Deconstruct it instead! You will get almost 10x the value if you save up your SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (34) Tech Fragments and spend them on valuable crafting materials instead.


SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (35)

The Flashpoint gear track works a bit different. You can get gear through Flashpoints four different ways. The first way is directly from bosses – the gear that drops from Flashpoint bosses will be equal in item-rating to a piece you already have. The second way is through a guaranteed upgrade from the Weekly quest boxes. The final way is by bringing your Flashpoint gear to the Flashpoint upgrades vendor, and paying currency to upgrade it there.

UPDATE 7.2/7.3 – You can now also outright buy Flashpoint gear at item-rating 324 from the Flashpoint Gear Vendor in the supplies section of the fleet.

Veteran Flashpoints

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (36)

Veteran Flashpoints are the easiest type of group content, as not a lot of skill is needed to pass them. There’s three ways to get gear from Veteran Flashpoints.

  • The gear that drops from Veteran Flashpoint bosses will be green Elite Decurion gear, and will have the same item-rating as a current piece of gear you have, with a minimum drop of green 324 and a maximum drop of green 3336. If you are very lucky, Veteran bosses have a small chance of dropping a blue Supreme Decurion item which you can’t normally get from Veteran flashpoints. (This lucky drop may only be for the earpieces, implants and relics – though you don’t want the implants, since you would rather use the Legendary Implants.)
  • If you complete the [WEEKLY] Veteran Flashpoints quest, which asks you to complete 3 Veteran Flashpoints via the Group Finder with no Flashpoints filtered out, you’ll get a special box with a green Elite Decurion Guaranteed Upgrade, determined by the slot with the lowest item rating of your equipment, up to item-rating 336 green.
  • You can upgrade your green Elite Decurion gear up to 336 by bringing your Flashpoint gear to the Flashpoint upgrades vendor. Upgrading your gear costs the original piece, credits, and a large pile of SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (37) FP-1 Stabilizers, which come from Flashpoint bosses.
  • Each boss drops either a piece of gear or 3-4 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (38) FP-1 Stabilizers in Veteran Mode
  • Deconstructing green Elite Decurion gear yields… 3-6 Tech Frags, 6 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (39) FP-1 Stabilizers
  • If you are having trouble getting a specific piece, you can buy it directly from the Flashpoint Gear Vendor in the Supplies section of the Fleet.

Master Mode Flashpoints

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (40)

Master Mode Flashpoints are on the harder side of things, so players looking to jump into them, especially through the groupfinder, will want to have first tried out their veteran mode counterparts and be comfortable playing their class, though not a lot of gear is needed to run them. For players who don’t plan on playing Operations, Master Mode flashpoints offer the next-best gear, and for skilled players who do plan to jump into harder operations, Master Mode Flashpoints is a good starting point for gearing after picking up a cheap set of 324 green conquest gear and then ignoring the conquest track altogether.

  • The gear that drops from Master Flashpoint bosses will be blue Supreme Decurion gear, and will have the same item-rating as a current piece of gear you already have, with a minimum drop of blue 324 and a maximum of blue 336.
  • If you complete the [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflict quest, which asks you to complete 2 Master Flashpoints via the Group Finder with no Flashpoints filtered out, you’ll get a special box with a blue Supreme Decurion Guaranteed Upgrade, determined by the slot with the lowest item rating of your equipment, up to item-rating 326 blue.
  • You can upgrade your blue Supreme Decurion gear to 336 by bringing your Flashpoint gear to the Flashpoint upgrades vendor. Upgrading your gear costs the original piece, credits, and a large pile of SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (41) FP-1 Stabilizers, which come from Flashpoint bosses and the weekly Master Mode boxes.
  • Deconstructing blue Supreme Decurion gear yields… 3-6 Tech Frags, 15 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (42) FP-1 Stabilizers
  • If you are having trouble getting a specific piece, you can buy it directly from the Flashpoint Gear Vendor in the Supplies section of the Fleet.


SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (43)

There are two ways to get Operation gear.

The first is as a drop from an Operation bosses. There are three tiers of Operations gear that drops, depending on whether you are playing Story, Veteran or Master Mode operations.

The second is from the Operation Gear Vendor with currency earned through Operations.

No matter how you got your Operation gear piece, you can then upgrade it at the Operations Gear Upgrades vendor.

In addition, as of update 7.1, there’s an entirely different gearing track available from the R-4 Anomaly Operation.

Story Mode Operations

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (44)

Gear from story mode operations is pretty lack-luster compared to what you can get from every other method.

  • The gear that drops from Story Mode Operation Bosses will be green Tionese gear, and will have the same item-rating as a current piece of gear you have, with a minimum drop of green 324 and a maximum of green 336. Operation bosses also have a small lucky chance of dropping a blue implant, relic or earpiece of the same item-rating which you can’t normally get from Story Operations, for a maximum of 322 blue Columi gear for those specific pieces.
  • If you complete a [WEEKLY] Story Mode Operation quest, which asks you to complete all the bosses in a specific Operation, you’ll get a special box with a green Tionese Guaranteed Upgrade, determined by the slot with the lowest item rating of your equipment, up to item-rating 336 green.
  • You can upgrade your green Tionese gear by bringing your item-rating 324 story Operation gear to the Operation upgrades vendor. Upgrading your gear costs the original piece, credits, and a large pile of SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (45) OP-1 Catalyst, which come from Operation bosses and from the [WEEKLY] Story Mode Operation quests which reward 20 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (46) OP-1 Catalyst. I do not recommend upgrading your story mode operation Tionese gear as it is a waste of currency compared to the other tracks.
  • Deconstructing green Tionese gear yields… 3-6 Tech Frags, 3-9 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (47) OP-1 Catalysts
  • Story mode operations are not a great place to get gear directly, but since you can run them quickly and easily, they are a great way to earn the SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (48) OP-1 Catalyst currency – you get 20 from the weekly quest, 1-2 from each boss if you get a lucky drop, and a nice pile from deconstructing any gear you get from the bosses or from the guaranteed weekly upgrade box.
  • If you are having trouble getting a specific piece, you can buy it directly from the Flashpoint Gear Vendor in the Supplies section of the Fleet at item-rating 324 green.

Veteran Mode Operations

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (49)

Gear from veteran mode operations is the second-best in the game, and is on-par with what you can get from Master Mode flashpoints.

  • The gear that drops from Veteran Mode Operation Bosses will be blue Columi gear, and will have the same item-rating as a current piece of gear you have, with a minimum drop of blue 324 and a maximum of blue 336. Also has a small chance of getting lucky and dropping a purple item of the same item-rating which you can’t normally get from Veteran Operations, for a maximum of 326 purple Rakata gear. (From what I understand, it’s the implant, relics, and earpiece that you might get lucky with only – not the rest of the gear. And the implants you don’t even want since you want the Legendary Implants instead…)
  • If you complete a [WEEKLY] Veteran Mode Operation quest, which asks you to complete all the bosses in a specific Operation, you’ll get a special box with a blue Columi Guaranteed Upgrade, determined by the slot with the lowest item rating of your equipment, up to item-rating 326 blue.
  • You can upgrade your blue Columi gear by bringing your veteran Operation gear to the Operation upgrades vendor. Upgrading your gear costs the original piece, credits, and a large pile of SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (50) OP-1 Catalyst, which come from Operation bosses and from the [WEEKLY] Veteran Mode Operation quests which reward 65 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (51) OP-1 Catalyst.
  • Make sure you have 110% accuracy before going in to Veteran operations if you can if you are a damage player. The damage checks for many fights are almost double compared to their story mode counterparts, so you need to make sure you are hitting the boss by reaching the 110% accuracy threshold on your gear via gear pieces or augments.
  • Deconstructing blue Columi gear yields… 3-6 Tech Frags, 8 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (52) OP-1 Catalysts
  • If you are having trouble getting a specific piece, you can buy it directly from the Flashpoint Gear Vendor in the Supplies section of the Fleet at item-rating 324 blue.

Master Mode Operations

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (53)

Gear from master mode operations is the best in the game.

  • The gear that drops from Master Mode Operation Bosses will be purple Rakata gear, and will have the same item-rating as a current piece of gear you have, with a minimum drop of purple 324 and a maximum of purple 336.
  • If you complete a [WEEKLY] Master Mode Operation quest, which asks you to complete all the bosses in a specific Operation, you’ll get a special box with a purple Rakata Guaranteed Upgrade, determined by the slot with the lowest item rating of your equipment, up to item-rating 336 purple. Very few groups can complete a full Master Mode operation right now!
  • You can upgrade your purple Rakata gear by bringing your master Operation gear to the Operation upgrades vendor. Upgrading your gear costs the original piece, credits, and a large pile of SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (54) OP-1 Catalyst, which come from Operation bosses and from the [WEEKLY] Master Mode Operation quests which reward 175 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (55) OP-1 Catalyst.
  • If you are choosing Rakata gear to pay to upgrade, you may want to research more into min-maxing so you don’t waste time or resources upgrading the wrong pieces.
  • Don’t forget, even if you aren’t able to run Master Mode operations, you can still get lucky and get the purple Master mode drops from Veteran Mode ops and upgrade them over time!
  • Deconstructing purple Rakata gear yields… 3-6 Tech Frags, and 15 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (56) OP-1 Catalysts
  • If you are having trouble getting a specific piece, you can buy it directly from the Flashpoint Gear Vendor in the Supplies section of the Fleet at item-rating 324 purple.

Story Mode R-4 Anomaly

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (57)

The R-4 Anomaly operation in Story Mode has a different set of drops compared to any other operation.

In Story Mode, each boss will reward each member of the operation an R4 Gear Token: Story. These tokens can be brought to a vendor and exchanged for blue gear at item rating 328. Players can use additional story mode tokens and credits to upgrade their gear pieces to a maximum item rating of blue 330. The vendor also has cosmetic versions of the gear, so don’t be confused when you visit the vendor.

Veteran Mode R-4 Anomaly

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (59)

The R-4 Anomaly operation in Story Mode has a different set of drops both blue gear and purple gear.

Hazardous Gear (Blue, Maximum Item Rating: 340)

In Story Mode, each boss will reward each member of the operation an R4 Gear Token: Veteran. These tokens can be brought to a vendor and exchanged for Prototype gear at item rating 332. Players can use additional blue veteran mode tokens and credits to upgrade their gear pieces to a maximum item rating of 340. The vendor also has cosmetic versions of the gear, so don’t be confused when you visit the vendor.

Virulent Gear (Purple, Maximum Item Rating: 340)

In addition, bosses will drop two purple R4 Gear Tokens for the entire group, so not everyone gets one, but they can be traded amongst the group. These purple tokens are specific per-boss, and can be exchanged on a vendor for a piece of Artifact purple gear at item rating 340, the very vest in the game.

Here is the list of Boss Tokens and the gear slots they purchase:

Boss 1 – IP-CPT

  • Head
  • Waist
  • Relic

Boss 2 – Watchdog

  • Legs
  • Wrists
  • Relic

Boss 3 – Lord Kanoth

  • Chest
  • Offhand
  • Earpiece

Boss 4 – Lady Dominique

  • Feet
  • Hands
  • Mainhand

Implants do not drop, as you are meant to get your Legendary Implants instead.


SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (60)

Gearing up through PvP is slightly different, as you can get all your PvP gear form the same track, and the track progresses naturally from green to blue to purple. At the moment, purple PvP gear is about the same as purple gear you could get from Operations. You may notice that the PvP track only goes up to purple 332, but the Operations track goes up to purple 336… luckily, PvP matches have a gear cap on them, so players who jump into PvP with their operations set shouldn’t have an advantage over max-geared PvP players. All PvP gear is called Thyrsian gear and goes from green 322 up to purple 332. Many players are using the PvP track as a faster way to gear up and work towards earning their max-item-rating 336 gear.

BUG/ISSUE: As of update 7.2, apparently gear above item-rating 332 is NOT being successfully bolstered down.

You can get PvP gear through three different way:

  • SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (61) WZ-1 Accelerants: Completing Weekly PvP missions will earn you a new type of currency called SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (62) WZ-1 Accelerants. These can be turned in for a base set of 322 PvP gear, and each piece of starter PvP gear costs between 40 to 55 WZ-1 Accelerants, earned through PvPing or Galactic Starfighter. Once you have at least one piece of PvP gear it looks like you can keep upgrading it through the vendors using the WZ-1 Accelerants that you earned. Nothing will show up on the Upgrades vendor until you have at least one piece of PvP gear from the starter PvP vendor. The upgrade vendor will allow you to upgrade all the way up to 332 purple Thyrsian pvp gear. You do not get any SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (63) WZ-1 Accelerants just from playing PvP, you must win 4 matches within the week and complete the weekly to get any SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (64) WZ-1 Accelerants at all. You can run the Weekly a total of 3 times per character per week. You can also get WZ-1 Accelerants from the Galactic Starfighter weekly which requires 4 matches played.
  • Upgrade Box: Completing Weekly PvP missions will also earn you a box with a guaranteed upgrade, which requires you to complete the weekly for PvP or GSF, and you can run that weekly 3 times per character per week. I would definitely recommend picking up the almost-free set of 324 Conquest gear before opening any of these upgrade boxes, allow you to skip past getting 322/324 PvP gear and causing you to get a guaranteed piece of 326 Thyrsian gear when you open an upgrade box! If you happen to be running any other content, for example Flashpoints, and have gotten higher than 322, make sure to keep that on hand when opening PvP boxes too.
  • Galactic Starfighter: You can also get WZ-1 Accelerants and a guaranteed Thyrsian pvp gear upgrade from the Galactic Starfighter weekly, which requires 4 matches played, with wins counting double. You can run the GSF Weekly a total of 3 times per character per week. Since the GSF weekly doesn’t require wins, it’s a lot easier to gear up through Galactic Starfigher for PvP than it is to gear up through normal PvP. Galactic Starfigher is very active right now due to this.
  • As all PvP comes directly from guaranteed upgrades from the boxes and from direct purchases from the vendor, you shouldn’t be deconstructing items much at all until you hit full purple 328 and start getting duplicates. Deconstructing extra Thyrsian gear gets you WZ-1 Accelerants.
  • If you are gearing solely through PvP, once you hit item-rating 332 and have two extra pieces of 332, visit to unlock 332 moddable items for all the characters on your server!

Hyde & Zeek

If you have a high item-rating blue or purple piece to destroy, you can unlock mods from the Hyde & Zeek questgiver. If you sacrifice a blue 336 item, and a purple 336 item, you can easily buy mods that add up to the equivalent of 336 purple Rakata gear, which makes gearing up alts and filling in gear gaps a breeze.

How to Get Mods in 7.2


There’s a bunch of different currencies this expansion. Here’s the cheat-sheet to get them.

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (65) Conquest Commendations

Here’s how to earn SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (66) Conquest Commendations. You can hold up to 2,500 at once, and earn up to 2,500 in a week.

[WEEKLY] Conquest200 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (67)
[GROUPFINDER] Random Veteran Flashpoint2 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (68)
[GROUPFINDER] Random Master Flashpoint4 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (69)
[GROUPFINDER] Random Master Flashpoint (Role in need)5 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (70)
[GROUPFINDER] Random Veteran Uprising3 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (71)
[GROUPFINDER] Random Veteran Uprising (Role in need)5 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (72)
[GROUPFINDER] Random Story Operation5 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (73)
[GROUPFINDER] Random Story Operation (Role in need)5 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (74)
[DAILY] Normal PvP2 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (75)
[DAILY] Solo Rank PvP2 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (76)
[DAILY] Group Rank PvP3 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (77)
[DAILY] Galactic Starfighter2 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (78)
Deconstruct Green Decurion Gear from the Story3-6 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (79)
Deconstruct Green Noble Decurion from Conquest3-6 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (80)

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (81) FP-1 Stabilizers

To get SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (82) FP-1 Stabilizers you must run Flashpoints. You have to run Flashpoints and they drop directly from each boss, and you get them from deconstructing leftover Flashpoint gear. There is also a guaranteed 3 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (83) FP-1 Stabilizers rewarded if you run any story mode flashpoint through the Solo tab of the Activity Finder, and the Master Mode Weekly Box (repeatable 3 times) also awards SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (84) FP-1 Stabilizers (the Veteran box does not). You can also exchange SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (85) 500 Conquest Commendations for SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (86) 200 FP-1 Stabilizers at the Conquest Gear Vendor. You can hold up to 2,500 at once, and earn up to 1,200 in a week.

Trade in SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (87) 400 Conquest Commendations100 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (88) *** New in 7.4 (previously 400 conq. comms for 200 fp-1)
[STORY] Flashpoint Boss Drops?? SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (89)
[STORY] Flashpoint from Activity Finder3 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (90)
[VETERAN] Flashpoint Boss Drops3-4 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (91)
[MASTER] Flashpoint Boss Drops?? SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (92)
[WEEKLY] Master Flashpoint Quest (box)?? SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (93)
Deconstructing green Elite Decurion6 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (94)
Deconstructing blue Supreme Decurion gear15 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (95)

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (96) OP-1 Catalyst

Here’s how to earn SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (97) OP-1 Catalyst.

Each Operation weekly from the operations terminal rewards a certain number of SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (98) OP-1 Catalysts.

  • Single-boss operations like Toborro give 0
  • Story Mode Operations = 20 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (99) OP-1 Catalyst (plus a box with a Tionese gear piece)
  • Veteran Mode Operations = 65 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (100) OP-1 Catalyst (plus a box with a Columi gear piece)
  • Master Mode Operations = 175 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (101) OP-1 Catalyst (plus a box with a Rakata gear piece)

I didn’t keep good track but I think I got one from each story mode operation boss I fought as well including Toborro.

  • Story Mode Boss Drop = 1-2, but not always (I ran a full story Operation and did not get any directly from the bosses, but saw my friends get some)
  • Veteran Mode Boss Drop = 3-4 I think I saw drop?
  • Master Mode Boss Drop = ???

Deconstructing operation gear is the final way to get these.

  • Deconstructing green Tionese gear yields… 3-6 Tech Frags, 3-9 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (102) OP-1 Catalysts
  • Deconstructing blue Columi gear yields… 3-6 Tech Frags, 8 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (103) OP-1 Catalysts
  • Deconstructing purple Rakata gear yields… 3-6 Tech Frags, and 15 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (104) OP-1 Catalysts

I think I also thought I saw one drop for a player in a Veteran flashpoint and I was quite surprised!

You can hold up to 1,200 at once, and earn up to 1,200 in a week.

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (105) WZ-1 Accelerants

Here’s how to earn SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (106) WZ-1 Accelerants. SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (107) WZ-1 Accelerants only come from the weeklies for PvP.

  • Daily: 0 WZ-1 Accelerant (1 win)
  • Weekly: 55 WZ-1 Accelerant (4 wins)
  • GSF Daily: 0 WZ-1 Accelerant
  • GSF Weekly: 60 WZ-1 Accelerant

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (108) Tech Fragments

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (109) Tech Fragments come from various quests and individual enemies.

  • Completing your personal conquest grants 500 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (110) Tech Fragments.
  • Any individual daily or heroic mission grants 30 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (111) tech fragments for each mission.
  • The “[WEEKLY] Searching for Allies” quest to complete 3 random Flashpoints via the Group Finder with no Flashpoints filtered out gets you 300 tech frags, and just running through the Group Finder in general gets you a pile of SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (112) tech fragments, especially as Veteran Flashpoint Bosses drop around 60 each too.
  • You can get 2,000 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (113) Tech Fragments total from running all the bosses in a Story Mode operation.
  • You can get 850 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (114) Tech Fragments from the Galactic Starfighter weekly to run 4 matches, with wins counting double.
  • You can get 1,500 SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (115) Tech Fragments from the PvP weekly to run 12 matches, with wins counting triple.
  • You can exchange 200 Conquest Commendations, or 200 FP-1 Stabilizers, or 200 OP-1 Catalysts for 200 Tech Fragments at the Supplies vendors

You can purchase these things with your SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (116) Tech Fragments:

  • Tactical Items
  • Legendary Implants and Legendary Implant upgrades
  • Rare crafting materials which you can sell for credits or use to craft the rarest augments in the game
  • Cosmetic Armor
  • Cosmetic Weapons
  • Cosmetic Mounts
  • Cosmetic Pets
  • Tactical Crafting Schematics from Kai Zykken
  • Onslaught Armor Crafting Schematics from Kai Zykken
  • Unidentified Onslaught Set Bonus Gear from Kai Zykken

How to Get Tech Fragments in SWTOR

TypeQuestDescriptionTech Frags
ExchangeSupplies Section of FleetExchange 200 Conquest Commendations for 200 Tech Fragments at the Conquest Gear VendorSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (117) 200
ExchangeSupplies Section of FleetExchange 200 FP-1 Stabilizers for 200 Tech Fragments at the Flashpoint Gear VendorSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (118) 200
ExchangeSupplies Section of FleetExchange 200 OP-1 Catalysts for 200 Tech Fragments at the Operations Gear VendorSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (119) 200
ExchangePvP Section of FleetExchange 200 WZ-1 Accelerants for 200 Tech Fragments at the PvP Gear VendorSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (120) 200
ConquestPersonal ConquestReach 100,000 Conquest points (Repeatable once per week per character)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (121) 500
ConquestGuild ConquestReach 100,000 Conquest points and guild meets goal (Repeatable once per week per character)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (122) 300-500
HeroicsAny [HEROIC 2+] missionNone from the weekly quest, just the individual quests.SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (123) 10
DailiesAny Daily are planet missionCZ-198, Makeb, Iokath, Onderon, etc.SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (124) 30
Flashpoints[WEEKLY] Searching for AlliesComplete 3 random Flashpoints via the Group Finder with no Flashpoints filtered out (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (125) 300
Flashpoints[Group Finder] Veteran Mode Flashpoint
Complete 1 random Veteran Flashpoints via the Group Finder with no Flashpoints filtered out (Infinite after the daily bonus?)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (126) 40
FlashpointsVeteran Flashpoint Bossesany bossSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (127) 60-90
Flashpoints[Group Finder] DAILY BONUS: Veteran Mode Flashpoint
Complete 1 random Veteran Flashpoints via the Group Finder with no Flashpoints filtered out (Once per day per character?)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (128) 120
Flashpoints[WEEKLY] Veteran FlashpointsComplete 3 random Veteran Flashpoints via the Group Finder with no Flashpoints filtered out (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (129) 100
Flashpoints[Group Finder] DAILY BONUS: Master Mode Flashpoint
Complete 1 random Master Flashpoints via the Group Finder with no Flashpoints filtered out (Once per day per character?)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (130) ?? (over 120)
Flashpoints[Group Finder] Master Mode Flashpoint
Complete 1 random Master Flashpoints via the Group Finder with no Flashpoints filtered out (Infinite after daily?)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (131) ?? (over 40)
Flashpoints[WEEKLY] Galactic ConflictsComplete 2 random Master Flashpoints via the Group Finder with no Flashpoints filtered out (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (132) 200
Uprisings[Group Finder] DAILY BONUS: Story Mode UprisingComplete 1 random story Uprising via the Group Finder with no Uprisings filtered out (Once per day per character?)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (133) ??
Uprisings[Group Finder] Story Mode Uprising
Complete 1 random story Uprising via the Group Finder with no Uprisings filtered out (Infinite after daily?)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (134) ??
Uprisings[WEEKLY] Story UprisingsComplete 3 random story Uprisings via the Group Finder with no Uprisings filtered out (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (135) 120
Uprisings[Group Finder] DAILY BONUS: Veteran Mode UprisingComplete 1 random veteran Uprising via the Group Finder with no Uprisings filtered out (Once per day per character?)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (136) ??
Uprisings[Group Finder] Veteran Mode Uprising
Complete 1 random veteran Uprising via the Group Finder with no Uprisings filtered out (Infinite after daily?)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (137) ??
Uprisings[WEEKLY] Veteran UprisingsComplete 3 random veteran Uprisings via the Group Finder with no Uprisings filtered out (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (138) 160
Uprisings[Group Finder] DAILY BONUS: Master Mode UprisingComplete 1 random master Uprising via the Group Finder with no Uprisings filtered out (Once per day per character?)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (139) ??
Uprisings[Group Finder] Veteran Mode Uprising
Complete 1 random veteran Uprising via the Group Finder with no Uprisings filtered out (Infinite after daily?)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (140) ??
Uprisings[WEEKLY] Master UprisingsComplete 3 random Master Uprisings via the Group Finder with no Uprisings filtered out (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (141) 200
OperationsStory Mode OperationBossesSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (142) Boss 1: 150

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (143) Boss 2: 300

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (144) Boss 3: 500

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (145) Boss 4: 500

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (146) Boss 5: 550

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (147) Total: 2000

OperationsVeteran Mode OperationBossesSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (148) Boss 1: 200

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (149) Boss 2: 450

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (150) Boss 3: 600

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (151) Boss 4: 600

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (152) Boss 5: 650

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (153) Total: 2500

OperationsMaster Operation BossBossesSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (154) Boss 1: 225

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (155) Boss 2: 450

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (156) Boss 3: 750

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (157) Boss 4: 750

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (158) Boss 5: 825

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (159) Total: 3000

GSF[DAILY] Galactic StarfighterComplete 2 Galactic Starfighter matches, wins count double (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (160) 150
GSF[WEEKLY] Galactic StarfighterComplete 4 Galactic Starfighter matches, wins count double (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (161) 850
PvP[DAILY] No QuarterWin 1 Unranked PvP Matches (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (162) 150
PvP[WEEKLY] Conspicuous ValorWin 4 Unranked PvP Matches (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (163) 1,500
Ranked PvP[DAILY] My Kind of ScumWin 1 Solo Ranked PvP Matches (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (164) 150
Ranked PvP[DAILY] Arena of Death!Win 1 Group Ranked PvP Matches (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (165) 300
Ranked PvP[WEEKLY] Time for Pain!Win 3 Solo Ranked PvP Matches (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (166) 1,000
Ranked PvP[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!Win 2 Group Ranked PvP Matches (Repeatable 3 times per character per week)SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (167) 1,750
ChaptersAny Story Mode Repeatable ChapterKnights of the Fallen Empire / Knights of the Eternal ThroneSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (168) 10
ChaptersAny Veteran Mode Repeatable ChapterKnights of the Fallen Empire / Knights of the Eternal ThroneSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (169) 20
ChaptersAny Master Mode Repeatable ChapterKnights of the Fallen Empire / Knights of the Eternal ThroneSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (170) 30
DeconstructDeconstructing any Level 80 GearSeems to be the same for any gear type for endgame gear. Decurion, Tionese, Columi, Rakata, etc.SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (171) 3-6
LoginDaily Login Reward Prototype CaseDaily Login Reward Box from the second week in the rotation, it's the blue oneSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (172) 200
Random DropsAny enemyRandom bag of currency automatically deposited into your currency tabSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (173) 20
More???There's probably more I haven't listed!SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (174) ???

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (175) Daily Resource Matrix (Removed)

As of Update 7.3, the Daily Resource Matrix currency has been removed and is no longer required for anything.


Augments are a way of upgrading your gear even more. It’s recommend to augment your gear once you have reached the highest item-rating and quality you plan to get so you don’t waste augment kits while upgrading.

WARNING: when turning in gear for upgrades, it will consume the augment, so make sure to pull out your augment before upgrading it in this expansion!

SWTOR Augments Guide


Players can also purchase Tacticals to fill the final slot in their equipment, starting at level 75-80.

Tactical Items Guide in SWTOR

Stats & Min-Maxing

Players who want the best-of-the-best will want to work on min-maxing their gear, and getting the best stat distribution they can. In this expansion, there are no mods or enhancements, so you must instead mix and match different sets to get the optimal tertiary stat distribution.

Players looking to do Veteran Mode and Master Mode operations will especially want to focus on getting at least 110% accuracy, even if they don’t plan to spend a lot of time min-maxing, as without 110% accuracy you may not even be “hitting” the bosses. If you are purchasing gear from a vendor, make sure to choose the “All” option from the dropdown at the top of the vendor, which will allow you to mix-and-match pieces from different sets to get that 110% accuracy. Don’t forget you can use augments to reach that if you need it.

Use this chart to see recommendations from the SWTOR Theorycrafter’s Discord on which Tactical you should get, which Legendaries you should buy, and what stats in your gear you are aiming for. View a bigger version here.

Guardian Defense Juggernaut ImmortalSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (176)Grit Teeth Jaw Breaker, Hord’s Makashi Strike and Leviathan’s Hide are good alternativesForce Resistance + RetaliatorShield: 5500-6000
Absorb: remaining tertiary stats
Guardian Vigilance Juggernaut VengeanceSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (177)Hemophilic Slash (Single Target), Cut to Pieces (AoE)Fearless Victor + Champion’s PrecisionAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Guardian Focus Juggernaut RageSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (178)Cauterized CoronaryFearless Victor + Champion’s PrecisionAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Sentinel Watchman Marauder AnnihilationSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (179)Spiteful SaberFearless Victor + Berserker’s Call and Dispatcher are all viable optionsAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Sentinel Combat Marauder CarnageSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (180)Shard of MortisFearless Victor + DispatcherAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 1123 (4.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 4021 (12.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 9981 (22%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.3 GCD = 2134
• 1.2 GCD = 6315

Sentinel Concentration Marauder FurySWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (181)Cauterized ConaryFearless Victor + Berserker’s CallAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Sage Telekinetics Sorcerer LightningSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (182)StormwatchGathering Storm + Unmatched HasteAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 560 (2.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 3209 (10.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 8296 (20%)
• 1.1 GCD under PS = 3596 (16.366)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.3 GCD = 1494
• 1.1 GCD under PS = 1801

Sage Seer Sorcerer CorruptionSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (183)One for AllUnmatched Haste + Revitalize or Dynamic Force are all considered viable as of nowAlacrity:
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 13531 (25%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Sage Balance Sorcerer MadnessSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (184)Tempest of RhoGathering Storm + Unmatched HasteAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 13531 (25%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Shadow Kinetic Combat Assassin DarknessSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (185)Two Cloaks, The Life Warden, Ancient Tome of Wrath and Shroud of a Shadow as potential alternativesDynamic Force + Force Resistance or Ballast Point is fine if you prefer to use pieces with tanking statsShield: 5000-5500
Absorb: remaining tertiary stats
Shadow Infiltration Assassin DeceptionSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (186)The Awakened FlameDynamic Force + Force TrainingAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Shadow Serenity Assassin HatredSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (187)Two Time TroubleDynamic Force + Force TrainingAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Commando Combat Medic Mercenary BodyguardSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (188)SC-4 Treatment ScannerAdvanced Scanning + Concentrated Fire or Overcharged Cells seem to all be viable optionsAlacrity:
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 13531 (25%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Commando Gunnery Mercenary ArsenalSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (189)Primed Ignition (Single Target)Concentrated Fire + Overcharged CellsAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 1123 (4.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 4021 (12.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 9981 (22%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.3 GCD = 2134
• 1.2 GCD = 6315

Commando Assault Specialist Mercenary Innovative OrdnanceSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (190)Energized Charges (Single Target)Concentrated Fire + Overcharged CellsAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 13531 (25%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Vanguard Shield Specialist Powertech Shield TechSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (191)Thermal Screen (Single Target), Oil Fire (AoE), The Life WardenSupercommando + Squad LeaderShield: 6000 - 6500
Absorb: remaining tertiary stats
Vanguard Plasmatech Powertech PyrotechSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (192)Superheated FuelShock Trooper + Mandalorian ArmamentsAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 13531 (25%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Vanguard Tactics Powertech Advanced PrototypeSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (193)Overwhelming OffenseShock Trooper + Mandalorian ArmamentsAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 13531 (25%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Gunslinger Sharpshooter Sniper MarksmanshipSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (194)Agitating EnergiesLocked and Loaded + Improved Targeting use Energy Regulators if you experience energy issuesAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 13531 (25%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Gunslinger Saboteur Sniper EngineeringSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (195)Ruthless InterrogationLocked and Loaded + Improved TargetingAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 13531 (25%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Gunslinger Dirty Fighting Sniper VirulenceSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (196)Exploited Weakness (Single Target), Airborne Agents (AoE)Locked and Loaded + Improved TargetingAccuracy: 2694
Alacrity: 2700 - 2800

With Alacrity Guild Perk
1100 - 1300

Scoundrel Sawbones Operative MedicineSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (197)Critical Surgery and Diagnostics Probe are both viable alternativesTactician + Aggressive Treatment or Field MedicAlacrity:
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 13531 (25%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Scoundrel Scrapper Operative ConcealmentSWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (198)Acid Lash (Single Target), Explosive Cells (AoE)Tactician + Locked and LoadedAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 13531 (25%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

Scoundrel Ruffian Operative LethalitySWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (199)Synox Shots (Single Target), Viral Elements (AoE)Tactician + Locked and LoadedAccuracy: 2694
• 1.4 GCD = 2054 (7.14%)
• 1.3 GCD = 5431 (15.38%)
• 1.2 GCD = 13531 (25%)

With Alacrity Guild Perk
• 1.4 GCD = 560
• 1.3 GCD = 3209

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (200) Questions or comments? Feel free to send me a message on Twitter @swtorista, Reddit /u/swtorista, Youtube Swtorista channel or by e-mail at the same name with gmail.com at the end. Have fun out there and may the Force be with you. ~ Swtorista

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide (2024)


How to get the best gear in SWTOR? ›

Gear from master mode operations is the best in the game. The gear that drops from Master Mode Operation Bosses will be purple Rakata gear, and will have the same item-rating as a current piece of gear you have, with a minimum drop of purple 324 and a maximum of purple 336.

How to get 336 prototype gear swtor? ›

  1. Start quest for legendary implants.
  2. get a single blue (prototype) item to 330.
  3. Hand in for hyde and zeek quest 330 prototype to unlock item modifications.
  4. Make a bunch of 330 gear.
  5. repeat process but for 336 (or skip right to 336 if you don't want better gear during the process)
Jan 11, 2023

How to get level 75 gear swtor? ›

SWTOR provides numerous gear drops when completing any content at level 75. The player always gets individual loot drops from content and depending on the level of content some group drops may also result. Individual loot drops are assigned a gear rating based on the player's current average item rating.

How to get purple 340 gear SWTOR? ›

The player will need to use the two Purple Watch Dog Boss 2 Tokens to get their 340 relics. 1 Kanoth Token goes to buying an Earpiece. Use the last two tokens to buy any random piece of Purple R-4 gear. Head to Hyde and Zeek and take out the missions for 340 Artifact/Prototype.

How do you get level 80 artifact gear? ›

In Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, acquisition of the fourth tier of artifact armor gained at Level 80 is integrated into the Main Scenario Quest as completing a Role Questline grants one of the Cardinal Virtues' broken Crystals, which is then taken to Grenoldt in the Tempest.

Can you upgrade legendary implants in SWTOR? ›

Legendary Implants can be purchased and upgraded on the fleet in the Supplies section.

How to get wings of nihrot? ›

The 'Wings of Nihrot' Mount This will be a rare drop from the third boss of the new #SWTOR R-4 Anomaly operation, Lord Kanoth.

How to get FP-1 stabilizers? ›

FP-1 Stabilizers are a type of currency mainly earned through running Flashpoints or deconstructing gear dropped from Flashpoints. You can also trade Conquest Commendations to get FP-1 Stabilizers if you don't want to run Flashpints.

What is the fastest way to level up in Star Wars The Old Republic? ›

Heroics are very fast ways to level up, and Flashpoint can be a very fun way to catch up. Here are some options for what to do if you are under-leveled: Go back a planet and do normal quests there including hidden Exploration Quests. Heroic Quests from previous planets.

How do you boost to level 80 in SWTOR? ›

With the new expansion Legecy of the Sith (Patch 7.0) the maximum level in SWTOR will be increased to 80. So, you have to level up from level 75 to 80. This can be especially stressful if you have to do this with many characters. It can be very time-consuming and take a long time.

How to level up gear in SWTOR? ›

You can buy upgrades for your gear every five levels or so on the Fleet in the Supplies section. You will want to buy a full modifiable set of gear, offhand and mainhand weapon from the Adaptive Vendor, then set a modification in every empty slot of that Adaptive gear.

How to get R4 Gear Token SWTOR? ›

Earned from defeating a boss in R4 Anomaly Veteran mode. Can be exchanged for equipment in the Supplies section of the Fleet.

How do you level up fast in Star Wars: The Old Republic? ›

Heroics are very fast ways to level up, and Flashpoint can be a very fun way to catch up. Here are some options for what to do if you are under-leveled: Go back a planet and do normal quests there including hidden Exploration Quests. Heroic Quests from previous planets.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.