Igniter Sorceress Guide (2024)


Igniter: Introduction

The Igniter Sorceress Guide (1) Igniter Sorceress offers a slightly more challenging playstylefor players seeking to maximize their DPS within a short burst period.While possessing less mobility compared to the Reflux Sorceress, theIgniter build compensates with significantly higher power. It is thepreferred choice for those who prioritize dealing substantial DPS,although careful attention must be paid to avoid missing the burstwindow, as it would result in decreased DPS output.

The Igniter Sorceress Guide (2) Igniter build revolves around amplifying the identity gauge,specifically Igniter Sorceress Guide (3) Arcane Rupture. Players have to build up the identitygauge meter to reach 100% and then unleash the full power ofArcane Torrent at the right moment to optimize their damagepotential.


Igniter Sorceress Strengths and Weaknesses

Igniter Sorceress Guide (4)Strengths

  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (5)High DPS
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (6)Ranged
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (7)Consistency
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (8)Burst Damage
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (9)Solid Damage

Igniter Sorceress Guide (10)Weaknesses

  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (11)Less mobility
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (12)More difficult to master
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (13)Positioning
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (14)Long cast times


Igniter Stat Priority

In the Igniter Sorceress Guide (15) Igniter Build, players should prioritize Specializationas their primary stat, followed by either Crit or Swiftness. Specializationplays an important part in enhancing the power of Igniter Sorceress Guide (16) Arcane Rupture and itsaccompanying damage.

As for the secondary stat, choose between Crit, which ensuresadditional damage on each hit, or Swiftness, which adds a level ofcomfort to the rotation. This choice depends on personal preferenceand playstyle.

Chaos Dungeons and Cube are primarily centered around AoE combat, whichmeans players need to incorporate a few AoE skills into the Igniters arsenal.This allows the Sorceress to maximize damage output on multiple enemiespresent in these scenarios. Since the Igniter Sorceress Guide (17) Igniter specializes inburst damage, players must gather enemies closely and position themselvesstrategically before unleashing havoc upon them.

This build focuses on empowering Igniter Sorceress Guide (18) Blaze to increase its frequency ofuse for applying debuffs on enemies and spamming it while waiting for the identitygauge to reach 100%. Igniter Sorceress Guide (19) Frost's Call, in combination with the Igniter Sorceress Guide (20) Wealthrune, will serve as the primary means of building the identity gauge quickly. Thesetwo skills will be instantly cast to efficiently build up the gauge.

When it comes to Runes, the focus is on using Igniter Sorceress Guide (21) Wealth runes toexpedite the identity gauge buildup and Igniter Sorceress Guide (22) Galewind runes to reducecasting speed. Prioritize acquiring legendary runes for Wealth, and if legendaryrunes are not available, use lower grade runes for the remaining slots.


Raid Skill Build

During raids, the main priority is to focus on single target damage anduse powerful, long cast time spells such as Igniter Sorceress Guide (23) Doomsday and Igniter Sorceress Guide (24) Explosion.The key remains on swiftly building and frequently replenishing the identitygauge meter, positioning oneself strategically, and executing Igniter Sorceress Guide (25) Arcane Ruptureat 100% followed by the sequence of hard hitting skills. Ideally, this shouldbe done during a vulnerable phase of the boss to maximize the impact.

Using an Igniter Sorceress Guide (26) Igniter Sorceress in raids offers the advantage ofsignificantly higher DPS compared to Igniter Sorceress Guide (27) Reflux. However, it requiresprecise knowledge and memorization of boss patterns and attacks.Positioning must be adjusted accordingly, and the burst window shouldbe timed to coincide with boss vulnerable moments in order to maximizedamage output. In contrast, Reflux Sorceress focuses on continuousskill spamming.

Igniter Sorceress Guide (28) Squall serves as the primary counter skill, while Igniter Sorceress Guide (29) Blaze actsas the main source of synergy during raids. It can comfortably be used betweenother skills if the synergy application was overlooked. Igniter Sorceress Guide (30) Frost's Call andIgniter Sorceress Guide (31) Esoteric Reaction serve as the primary means to fill the identity gauge.

Igniter Sorceress Guide (32) Explosion, Igniter Sorceress Guide (33) Doomsday, and Igniter Sorceress Guide (34) Punishing Strike are the keyhard hitting attacks. They require channeling time, and precise execution,making it even more important to use them during Igniter Sorceress Guide (35) Arcane Rupture only.

Igniter Sorceress Guide (36) Doomsday can have its ending animation canceled by following it withIgniter Sorceress Guide (37) Rime Arrow or Igniter Sorceress Guide (38) Punishing Strike, or by using the space bar. Upgradingand maximizing these three core skills should be the priority,followed by the builders (Igniter Sorceress Guide (39) Frost's Call, Igniter Sorceress Guide (40) Rime Arrow, andEsoteric Reaction). Igniter Sorceress Guide (41) Blaze and Igniter Sorceress Guide (42) Squall serve specific purposes andcan be prioritized accordingly.


Igniter Playstyle

The Igniter Sorceress Guide (43) Igniter playstyle revolves around reaching 100% identity gauge,then using Igniter Sorceress Guide (44) Arcane Rupture, and unleashing Arcane Torrent during theburst window. Every action taken by the Igniter should contribute toachieving the most effective, possible damage output during the burst window.

Maintaining Igniter Sorceress Guide (45) Blaze is important to keep the synergy and debuff active.With two charges, this should not be too challenging. When outside theburst window, focus on building the meter. Igniter Sorceress Guide (46) Frost's Call, Igniter Sorceress Guide (47) Rime Arrow,and Igniter Sorceress Guide (48) Esoteric Reaction are the skills used to fill the identity gauge.They provide decent damage while also contributing to meter progression.

The core damage dealing skills can be used to fill the meter or forsudden bursts of heavy damage. However, players should be careful whendoing so, to ensure that the meter is not close to being full, and thatthe core skill will have time to recharge before the meter reaches 100%.Additionally, avoid using Igniter Sorceress Guide (49) Doomsday outside the burst window,as it should be reserved as the opening ability for every Igniter Sorceress Guide (50) Arcane Rupture.

Igniter Sorceress Guide (51) Squall can also be used to build the meter, but be mindful of boss patterns,as Squall serves as counter skill. If Squall is on cooldown when a counteris needed, it can disrupt the rotation. Hold on to Squall for counterswhen necessary.

If all skills are on cooldown, auto attacks can be used to help buildthe identity meter. Igniter Sorceress Guide (52) Doomsday is the most important damage dealing skill,so always maximize its use within Igniter Sorceress Guide (53) Arcane Rupture. Igniter Sorceress Guide (54) Explosion andIgniter Sorceress Guide (55) Punishing Strike should also be used during the Arcane Rupturewindow if possible.

To maximize the time within Igniter Sorceress Guide (56) Arcane Rupture, delay pressing theArcane Rupture button and use Igniter Sorceress Guide (57) Doomsday first. Press Arcane Ruptureright before Doomsday impacts the boss, optimizing both damage andthe duration of the Arcane Rupture burst window.

Learn the animation cancels for skills. Igniter Sorceress Guide (58) Explosion can be canceled intoIgniter Sorceress Guide (59) Punishing Strike, which can then be canceled by Igniter Sorceress Guide (60) Rime Arrow immediatelyafter. This combo remains the same whether under Arcane Rupture or not.

Avoid using Igniter Sorceress Guide (61) Blink, because it depletes the identity gauge, and since theIgniter Sorceress Guide (62) Igniter Sorceress aims to reach 100% gauge, Blink should only be usedin life-threatening situations that require a quick escape.

Regarding the Awakening Skill, prioritize using Igniter Sorceress Guide (63) Enviska's Mightas it deals good damage with a wide area of effect (AoE), making it easier tohit the target. Igniter Sorceress Guide (64) Apocalypse Call is more secondary, as the falling meteorshave a higher chance of missing the target due to their spread out trajectory.


Opener Rotation

The Igniter Sorceress Guide (65) Igniter Sorceress follows a fixed rotation that is recommendedto be followed without deviation:

  1. Start with Igniter Sorceress Guide (66) Blaze to apply synergy during raid and debuff the enemy.
  2. Use Igniter Sorceress Guide (67) Doomsday.
  3. If the identity gauge is full, activate Igniter Sorceress Guide (68) Arcane Rupture beforeIgniter Sorceress Guide (69) Doomsday hits the target.
  4. Follow up with Igniter Sorceress Guide (70) Explosion.
  5. Use Igniter Sorceress Guide (71) Punishing Strike.
  6. Cast Igniter Sorceress Guide (72) Rime Arrow.
  7. Activate Igniter Sorceress Guide (73) Esoteric Reaction.
  8. Use Igniter Sorceress Guide (74) Frost's Call.
  9. If the Arcane gauge is not almost full, use Igniter Sorceress Guide (75) Doomsday again.
    • However, if the gauge is nearing full, skip this step and save Doomsday forright before activating Arcane Rupture.
  10. Whenever Igniter Sorceress Guide (76) Blaze is available, use it immediately.

A slight variation to the rotation is to use Igniter Sorceress Guide (77) Doomsday afteractivating Igniter Sorceress Guide (78) Arcane Rupture. This approach is useful if you areconcerned about potentially missing the short opening window foractivating Arcane Rupture right before Doomsday hits. By activatingArcane Rupture first, it is easier to ensure that Doomsday will landwhile under the effects of Arcane Rupture.


Igniter Engravings

The recommended engravings for an Igniter Sorceress Guide (79) Igniter build are as follows:

Class Engraving: Igniter Sorceress Guide (80) Igniter at Level 3 (essential for the build).

Damage Engravings:

  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (81) All-Out Attack Level 3 (This engraving increases holding andcasting speed, as well as the attack of holding and casting skills. It effectivelyreduces the cast times of skills like Igniter Sorceress Guide (82) Explosion or Igniter Sorceress Guide (83) Doomsday,providing a significant damage bonus for Igniter Sorceress.)

Other Damage Engravings:

  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (84) Hit Master at Level 3 (Increases overall damage)
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (85) Grudge at Level 3 (Increases damage dealt but also increasesdamage taken)

Optional Variant Engravings on Level 3:

  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (86) Adrenaline (Provides additional damage without drawbacks,but requires stacking it 6 times to maximize its use).
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (87) Cursed Doll (Not a priority for this build, but offers flatguaranteed damage).
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (88) Precise Dagger (Beneficial if the player is looking formore Critical Damage).
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (89) Raid Captain (A safe addon engraving that slightlyboosts damage based on the players Move Speed bonus, but not a priorityengraving for this build).


Igniter Gear, Gems, and Cards


Gear Set

For endgame, once players have obtained Relic Gear, those using theIgniter Sorceress Guide (90) Igniter build should aim for the following gear sets to maximizetheir character:

These gear sets will enhance the stats of Specialization, Swiftness, andCrit, which are important for the Igniter build.

When selecting Bracelets and Accessories, the following stats havepriority (in order as listed below):

  1. Specialization
  2. Swiftness
  3. Crit

By prioritizing these stats, players can further optimize their Igniterbuild for maximum damage output and effectiveness.


Gear Tripods

To maximize the Igniter Sorceress Guide (93) Igniter build, players have the option toincrease the level of their Tripods, which can provide additional buffs orenhance skills. Each tripod can be leveled up to 5.

For this Igniter Sorceress Guide (94) Igniter build, we recommend prioritizing the levelingof tripods in the following order:

  1. Core damage dealing skills: Focus on leveling the tripods associatedwith the main damage dealing skills of the build.
  2. Meter building skills: Tripods associated with skills that help build theidentity meter, such as Igniter Sorceress Guide (95) Frost's Call and Igniter Sorceress Guide (96) Esoteric Reaction. Increasingtheir levels can improve the speed at which the meter fills up, allowing for morefrequent bursts of Igniter Sorceress Guide (97) Arcane Rupture.
  3. Cooldown reduction: Tripods that reduce the cooldowns of important skills.
  4. Other Tripods: After prioritizing the core dps skills, meter building skills,and cooldown reduction, players can level up the remaining tripods based on theirindividual preferences or specific needs. This can include tripods that provideadditional utility or bonuses to secondary skills.



To maximize the Igniter build, prioritize getting Attack Gems forIgniter Sorceress Guide (98) Doomsday, Igniter Sorceress Guide (99) Explosion, Igniter Sorceress Guide (100) Punishing Strike, Igniter Sorceress Guide (101) Rime Arrow,Igniter Sorceress Guide (102) Esoteric Reaction, and Igniter Sorceress Guide (103) Frost's Call, ideally to level 7.


Card Set

The most optimal endgame damage set for the Igniter Sorceress Guide (104) Igniter build isthe Igniter Sorceress Guide (105) Light of Salvation legendary card set. However, if acquiring that settakes time, players can use the following sets in the meantime:

  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (106) Deep Dive: Provides damage reduction and additional damage.
  • Igniter Sorceress Guide (107) Lostwind Cliff: Offers damage reduction and increased Critical Hit Chance.

These sets can serve as viable alternatives until the full Igniter Sorceress Guide (108) Light of Salvationset becomes available.



  • 30 May 2023: Guide Added.

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Igniter Sorceress Guide (2024)
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