105+ Best Family Feud Questions and Answers For Adults (2024)

You’re at the perfect place for the best Family Feud Questions!

Ready to amp up your game nights? We've compiled a list of the quirkiest Family Feud questions and answers for every occasion! Picture this: You, your friends and family and a bunch of questions that are just begging for the funniest answers.

This isn't just any game night; it's a showdown filled with laughter, high fives, and maybe even a mock eye-roll or two. Whether you're the trivia master or the wild guesser, there's definitely a place for you here. Let's kick off this family feud and turn an ordinary evening into a marathon of memories.

Grab your team, pick your theme, and let the games begin. Let's get started!

In this blog, we will cover:

  • Funny family feud questions
  • Family Feud Questions For Kids
  • Family Feud Questions For Adults
  • Family Feud Questions For Work
  • Christmas Family Feud Questions
  • Halloween Family Feud Questions
  • Thanksgiving Family Feud Questions

Funny Family Feud Questions

1. Name something you do when you run out of toilet paper.

Yell for help (30)

Use tissue (25)

Hop to another bathroom (20)

Panic (15)

Shower instead (10)

2. What might a bank robber use if they wanted to be polite?

"Please" note (40)

Quiet gun (25)

Silent alarm (20)

Thank you card (10)

Apology letter (5)

3. Name something you wouldn't want to do in front of a crowd.

Trip and fall (35)

Sing badly (30)

Forget your lines (20)

Dance off-beat (10)

Burp loudly (5)

4. What's an excuse kids use to avoid bedtime?

Not tired (40)

Thirsty (25)

Scared of the dark (20)

Need to use the bathroom (10)

Want a story (5)

5. Name something people pretend to understand but really don't.

Stock market (45)

Quantum physics (30)

Art (15)

Wine tasting (10)

6. What might you find in a superhero's bathroom?

Cape cleaner (35)

Mask polish (30)

Super soap (20)

Power toothpaste (10)

Invisibility lotion (5)

7. Name a reason you'd wake up at 2 AM.

Strange noise (40)

Bathroom break (30)

Bad dream (20)

Snack attack (5)

Checking phone (5)

8. What could a potato double as in a pinch?

Doorstop (35)

Ball (25)

Paperweight (20)

Stress ball (15)

Fake rock (5)

9. Name something you do only when nobody is looking.

Pick your nose (40)

Dance freely (30)

Talk to yourself (20)

Practice kissing (5)

Make funny faces (5)

10. What's a pirate's favorite fast food?

Burg-arrrrr (35)

Fish and ships (30)

Treasure tots (20)

Sea burgers (10)

Plank-ton pizza (5)

11. Name something a cat does that would be creepy if a person did it.

Lick themselves (40)

Stare without blinking (30)

Use a litter box (20)

Bring dead animals as gifts (5)

Sleep all day (5)

12. What might a wizard use to browse the internet?

Spellbook laptop (35)

Magic mouse (30)

Wand remote (20)

Cauldron computer (10)

Potion-powered router (5)

13. Name something you find in a wizard's pocket.

Magic dust (40)

Spell scrolls (30)

Frog (15)

Dragon scale (10)

Mysterious key (5)

14. What would you hate to find under your bed?

Monster (40)

Old food (25)

Dust bunnies army (20)

Forgotten gym socks (10)

Scary clown (5)

15. Name a bad job for someone who's always late.

Clock maker (40)

Teacher (25)

Bus driver (20)

Surgeon (10)

TV news anchor (5)

105+ Best Family Feud Questions and Answers For Adults (1)

Loving question games? Check out our fun list of What if questions.

Family Feud Questions For Kids

16. Name your favorite school subject.

Math (30)

Science (25)

Art (20)

English (15)

Physical Education (10)

17. What's the best superhero power to have?

Flying (40)

Invisibility (25)

Super strength (20)

Super speed (10)

Telepathy (5)

18. Name an animal you'd like as a pet.

Dog (35)

Cat (30)

Rabbit (15)

Hamster (10)

Turtle (10)

19. What's the best color for a superhero cape?

Red (40)

Blue (30)

Black (15)

Green (10)

Purple (5)

20. Name something you do on a playground.

Swing (35)

Slide (30)

Climb (20)

Play tag (10)

Jump rope (5)

21. What's the best candy flavor?

Chocolate (40)

Strawberry (25)

Vanilla (20)

Mint (10)

Lemon (5)

22. Name something you see in the sky.

Clouds (35)

Sun (30)

Birds (20)

Airplane (10)

Stars (5)

23. What's a popular cartoon character?

SpongeBob SquarePants (35)

Mickey Mouse (25)

Batman (20)

Peppa Pig (10)

Elsa (10)

24. Name a reason you get grounded.

Not doing homework (40)

Fighting with siblings (25)

Talking back (20)

Not cleaning your room (10)

Staying up too late (5)

25. What's the best board game?

Monopoly (30)

Candy Land (25)

The Game of Life (20)

Chutes and Ladders (15)

Chess (10)

26. Name a magical creature you wish was real.

Unicorn (35)

Dragon (30)

Fairy (20)

Mermaid (10)

Phoenix (5)

27. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Astronaut (30)

Doctor (25)

Teacher (20)

Firefighter (15)

YouTuber (10)

28. Name something you might find in a treasure chest.

Gold (40)

Jewels (30)

Pirate hat (15)

Map (10)

Compass (5)

29. What's the best ice cream topping?

Chocolate syrup (35)

Sprinkles (25)

Whipped cream (20)

Cherries (10)

Nuts (10)

30. Name a place you'd love to go on vacation.

Disneyland (35)

Beach (30)

Space (20)

Zoo (10)

Camping (5)

Family Feud Questions For Adults

31. Name something you forget to turn off before leaving the house.

Lights (35)

Oven (25)

TV (20)

Iron (15)

Air Conditioner (5)

32. What's something you do when you're bored at work?

Browse the Internet (40)

Daydream (25)

Snack (20)

Doodle (10)

Text (5)

33. Name a reason you might be late for a meeting.

Traffic (40)

Overslept (30)

Couldn't find parking (15)

Lost track of time (10)

Kids (5)

34. What's the worst chore at home?

Cleaning the bathroom (40)

Doing dishes (30)

Laundry (20)

Taking out the trash (5)

Dusting (5)

35. Name something people brag about.

Their children (35)

Job/salary (30)

Car (20)

Vacation (10)

Fitness (5)

36. What's a food that's difficult to eat gracefully?

Spaghetti (35)

Ribs (30)

Corn on the cob (20)

Lobster (10)

Tacos (5)

37. Name a common New Year's resolution.

Lose weight (40)

Exercise more (30)

Save money (20)

Eat healthier (5)

Quit smoking (5)

38. What might you do if you forgot someone's name at a party?

Avoid them (30)

Use a generic term like "buddy" (25)

Ask someone else (20)

Pretend to remember (15)

Admit it (10)

39. Name something you spend too much money on.

Coffee (35)

Eating out (30)

Clothes (20)

Technology/gadgets (10)

Cars (5)

40. What's an activity people think is romantic but isn't?

Walking on the beach (at night) (30)

Horse-drawn carriage rides (25)

Dinner by candlelight (20)

Watching the sunset (15)

Dancing (10)

41. Name something you can never find when you need it.

Keys (40)

Phone (30)

Glasses (20)

Pen (5)

Remote (5)

42. What's the first thing you do when you get home from work?

Change clothes (35)

Take off shoes (25)

Make a snack (20)

Check mail (10)

Watch TV (10)

43. Name something people do to get on their neighbor's good side.

Bake them something (30)

Mow their lawn (25)

Invite them over (20)

Compliment them (15)

Give a gift (10)

44. What's something you might exaggerate about yourself on a dating profile?

Height (35)

Hobbies/interests (25)

Fitness level (20)

Income (10)

Travel experiences (10)

45. Name a sign you're becoming like your parents.

Start using their phrases (35)

Complain about noise (25)

Go to bed early (20)

Watch the news (15)

Enjoy gardening (5)

Family Feud Questions For Work

46. Name a common reason for being late to work.

Traffic (45)

Oversleeping (30)

Public transport delays (15)

Bad weather (5)

Lost keys (5)

47. What's something people do on their coffee break?

Chat with coworkers (40)

Check social media (25)

Drink coffee (20)

Read news (10)

Walk/stretch (5)

48. Name a piece of office equipment that often breaks down.

Printer (50)

Computer (25)

Coffee machine (15)

Elevator (5)

Photocopier (5)

49. What might you find in a desk drawer?

Pens (35)

Sticky notes (30)

Snacks (20)

Headphones (10)

Calculator (5)

50. Name a reason to visit the HR department.

Benefits questions (40)

Job application (25)

Conflict resolution (20)

Salary negotiation (10)

Leave request (5)

51. What's an activity for a company team-building event?

Escape room (30)

Picnic/barbecue (25)

Sports game (20)

Trivia quiz (15)

Cooking class (10)

52. Name something you might accidentally leave at work.

Phone (40)

Umbrella (25)

Keys (20)

Lunchbox (10)

Glasses (5)

53. What's a common topic during lunch break conversations?

Weekend plans (35)

Movies/TV shows (30)

Work gossip (20)

Sports (10)

Food (5)

54. Name a sign your coworker is having a bad day.

Quiet/moody (40)

Sighing (25)

Snapping at people (20)

Slammed doors (10)

Ignoring emails/calls (5)

55. What do people keep on their office desk for personal touch?

Photos (35)

Plants (30)

Calendar (20)

Mugs (10)

Toys/figures (5)

56. Name a reason to email IT support.

Computer crash (45)

Password reset (30)

Software issues (15)

Printer connection (5)

New equipment setup (5)

57. What's something you'd find in a break room?

Coffee machine (40)

Microwave (25)

Refrigerator (20)

Tables/chairs (10)

Magazines/books (5)

58. Name a task you might procrastinate on at work.

Filing reports (35)

Responding to emails (30)

Meeting preparation (20)

Data entry (10)

Cleaning workspace (5)

59. What's a common office dress code violation?

Too casual (jeans/t-shirts) (40)

Sneakers (25)

Shorts (20)

Hats (10)

Sunglasses indoors (5)

60. Name a reason for a quick office meeting.

Project updates (40)

Announcements (25)

Problem-solving (20)

Scheduling (10)

Feedback (5)

Christmas Family Feud Questions

61. Name a popular Christmas movie.

"Home Alone" (35)

"Elf" (30)

"The Grinch" (20)

"It's a Wonderful Life" (10)

"A Christmas Story" (5)

62. What's a common Christmas dinner dish?

Turkey (40)

Ham (30)

Mashed Potatoes (15)

Stuffing (10)

Cranberry Sauce (5)

63. Name a song people sing at Christmas.

"Jingle Bells" (35)

"Silent Night" (25)

"White Christmas" (20)

"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" (15)

"All I Want for Christmas Is You" (5)

64. What do people decorate at Christmas?

Christmas Tree (50)

House Exterior (25)

Mantle (15)

Windows (5)

Doors (5)

65. Name a common Christmas gift.

Toys (30)

Clothes (25)

Books (20)

Electronics (15)

Jewelry (10)

66. What's something you find under a Christmas tree?

Presents (45)

Tree Skirt (30)

Pine Needles (15)

Lights (5)

Train Set (5)

67. Name a popular Christmas candy.

Candy Canes (40)

Chocolate Santas (30)

Peppermint Bark (20)

Gingerbread (5)

Marzipan (5)

68. What activity do families do together at Christmas?

Open Presents (35)

Eat Dinner (30)

Decorate the Tree (20)

Sing Carols (10)

Watch Movies (5)

69. Name a reason why someone might not look forward to Christmas.

Financial Stress (30)

Missing Loved Ones (25)

Travel Stress (15)

Shopping for Gifts (10)

Decorating (5)

70. What do people hang on their front door at Christmas?

Wreath (45)

Bells (25)

Ribbon (15)

Christmas Lights (10)

Garland (5)

71. Name a Christmas decoration color.

Red (45)

Green (30)

Gold (15)

Silver (5)

Blue (5)

72. What's a popular New Year's resolution people make?

Lose Weight (40)

Exercise More (30)

Save Money (20)

Eat Healthier (5)

Quit Smoking (5)

73. Name something you do on Christmas Eve.

Attend Church (35)

Track Santa (25)

Open One Present (20)

Make Cookies (15)

Watch Christmas Movies (5)

74. What's a popular Christmas ornament?

Angel (30)

Santa Claus (25)

Snowflake (20)

Bell (15)

Star (10)

75. Name a cold place associated with Christmas.

North Pole (50)

New York City (25)

Lapland (15)

Alps (5)

Greenland (5)

105+ Best Family Feud Questions and Answers For Adults (2)

Halloween Family Feud Questions

76. Name a popular Halloween costume for kids.

Witch (30)

Spider-Man (25)

Ghost (20)

Pirate (15)

Princess (10)

77. What's a must-have decoration for Halloween?

Pumpkins/Jack-o'-lanterns (35)

Fake spiders and webs (25)

Skeletons (20)

Ghosts (10)

Bats (10)

78. Name a classic Halloween candy.

Candy Corn (30)

Snickers (25)

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (20)

Kit Kat (15)

M&M's (10)

79. What's a popular Halloween activity?

Trick-or-treating (40)

Carving pumpkins (25)

Watching horror movies (20)

Visiting haunted houses (10)

Costume parties (5)

80. Name a famous witch.

The Wicked Witch of the West (from "The Wizard of Oz") (30)

Hermione Granger (from "Harry Potter") (25)

Sabrina (the Teenage Witch) (20)

Maleficent (15)

Glinda (the Good Witch) (10)

81. What might people do to their house for Halloween?

Decorate with spooky decorations (35)

Put up fake cobwebs (25)

Carve pumpkins (20)

Hang ghosts from trees (10)

Play spooky music (10)

82. Name a Halloween symbol.

Pumpkin (35)

Bat (25)

Black Cat (20)

Skull (10)

Witch Hat (10)

83. What's a common fear on Halloween?

Ghosts (30)

Spiders (25)

Zombies (20)

Clowns (15)

Darkness (10)

84. Name a movie you'd watch on Halloween.

"Halloween" (30)

"The Nightmare Before Christmas" (25)

"Hocus Pocus" (20)

"Friday the 13th" (15)

"It" (10)

85. What's a Halloween tradition?

Trick-or-treating (40)

Bobbing for apples (25)

Telling ghost stories (20)

Lighting candles in jack-o'-lanterns (10)

Visiting graveyards (5)

86. Name something people give out instead of candy on Halloween.

Toothbrushes (30)

Stickers (25)

Apples (20)

Coins (15)

Pencils (10)

87. What costume accessory might someone wear on Halloween?

Witch Hat (35)

Fake Blood (25)

Vampire Fangs (20)

Mask (10)

Cape (10)

88. Name a common Halloween prank.

Toilet-papering a house (30)

Smashing pumpkins (25)

Jump scares (20)

Ding-dong ditch (15)

Fake spiders (10)

89. What might you find in a haunted house?

Ghosts (35)

Cobwebs (25)

Spooky noises (20)

Skeletons (10)

Creepy dolls (10)

90. Name a popular Halloween song.

"Thriller" by Michael Jackson (35)

"Monster Mash" by Bobby "Boris" Pickett (30)

"This Is Halloween" from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" (20)

"Ghostbusters" Theme Song (10)

"Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell (5)

Thanksgiving Family Feud Questions

91. Name a dish that’s a must-have at Thanksgiving dinner.

Turkey (35)

Stuffing (25)

Mashed Potatoes (20)

Cranberry Sauce (10)

Pumpkin Pie (10)

92. What's a common activity families do on Thanksgiving?

Eating dinner together (40)

Watching football (25)

Cooking together (20)

Watching the parade (10)

Giving thanks (5)

93. Name a side dish you might find at a Thanksgiving meal.

Stuffing (30)

Green Bean Casserole (25)

Sweet Potatoes (20)

Cornbread (15)

Cranberry Sauce (10)

94. What's a popular dessert served at Thanksgiving?

Pumpkin Pie (40)

Apple Pie (25)

Pecan Pie (20)

Sweet Potato Pie (10)

Cheesecake (5)

95. Name something people are thankful for at Thanksgiving.

Family (35)

Health (25)

Friends (20)

Food (10)

Jobs (10)

96. What might people drink at Thanksgiving dinner?

Wine (30)

Water (25)

Beer (20)

Coffee (15)

Soda (10)

97. Name a decoration you might see on Thanksgiving.

Pumpkins (35)

Fall leaves (25)

Cornucopias (20)

Turkeys (10)

Candles (10)

98. What's a common way to cook a Thanksgiving turkey?

Oven-roasting (40)

Deep-frying (25)

Smoking (20)

Grilling (10)

Brining first (5)

99. Name something you might do after eating Thanksgiving dinner.

Nap (40)

Watch football (25)

Play games (20)

Go for a walk (10)

Wash dishes (5)

100. What's something people might make from Thanksgiving leftovers?

Sandwiches (35)

Soup (25)

Casserole (20)

Salad (10)

Pot pie (10)

101. Name a type of pie you’d expect to see at Thanksgiving, other than pumpkin.

Apple Pie (35)

Pecan Pie (30)

Sweet Potato Pie (20)

Cherry Pie (10)

Blueberry Pie (5)

102. What might kids do at Thanksgiving while adults are busy?

Play outside (30)

Watch TV/Parade (25)

Play games (20)

Help cook (15)

Color or do crafts (10)

103. Name something people might add to their Thanksgiving turkey.

Gravy (40)

Stuffing (25)

Cranberry sauce (20)

Rosemary or other herbs (10)

Butter (5)

104. What's a common theme for Thanksgiving decorations?

Fall/Autumn (40)

Harvest (25)

Turkeys (20)

Pilgrims (10)

Gratitude (5)

105. Name a traditional Thanksgiving parade.

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (50)

Chicago Thanksgiving Parade (25)

Detroit Thanksgiving Parade (15)

Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day Parade (10)


And there you have it! You’ve got a treasure trove of family feud questions and answers at your fingertips, perfect for your next get-together. No more boring nights or awkward silences; with these questions, you’re all set to spark laughter, challenge minds, and maybe even stir up a little friendly rivalry. Let the feuding begin!

Looking for more fun games? Check out other similar blogs like Unpopular Opinions, Rapid Fire Questions, Two Truths And A Lie and Hot Takes Questions.

FAQs about Family Feud Questions

What are Family Feud Questions?

Family Feud questions are inspired by the game show "Family Feud," where two families compete to guess the most popular responses to survey questions given to 100 people. The aim is to guess what the survey's most common answers were, earning points based on the popularity of their responses.

How to play Family Feud?

Divide players into two teams. One member from each team faces off, answering a survey question to earn control. The team can then guess the top answers. Incorrect guesses get strikes. After three strikes, the other team can steal by guessing any remaining answer. Points are awarded based on the number of people who gave each answer. The game continues with new questions until one team reaches the winning point.

105+ Best Family Feud Questions and Answers For Adults (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 5397

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.